Deepak: Is this deep sek? Why is Silicon Valley trembling on China AI?

Deepak: Is this deep sek? Why is Silicon Valley trembling on China AI?

China has done another miracle! Artificial has created a sensation in the field of intelligence. China’s Artificial Intelligence Startup “Deep Se” has created the best AI model at the lowest cost. Seeing this, major artificial intelligence companies in the world are now in this process. Most importantly, the American Silicon Valley is vibrating in reputed technical companies. The US Tech Index collapsed. Is this a deep sek?

What is deep second?

The Deep Sikh AI model is called Deep Sick R1. Deep Sec was established by the engineer in 2023, which specializes in artificial intelligence and quantitative finance. Before creating Deep SEK, he led the hedge funds that use AI to analyze financial data.

The Leiang is now the team’s top China universities. The company has developed open source AI models. This gave them to developers around the world. They are using deep sec r to improve their technology.

How is deep second different from Openi?

Deep Sek has become a sensation and is now comparing AI’s chat JPT and other AI models. The prompt is also argued before responding. The company says it works equally with successful open AI technology.

The real thing here is that if companies spend billions of dollars to run the most successful full AI model, Deep Se has also brought the AI ​​model without spending half of them.

What is more, deeply ill says that its RI, GK, Questions and Anser performance compared to rival models.

Top in Apple- that is an immediate cyber attack.

Download the load on this deep sek worldwide. In particularly at the Apple App Store in the United States, Deep Seq R1 Top (Free Apps) pushed the chat GP. The app crashed, which could not tolerate the download. The team restored it.

The cyber attack on Deep Se Iia immediately assists. The Chinese company made this announcement. As a result, Deep SEK has revealed that registration is temporarily limited.

What is American concern?

The US has banned the export of high -end technologies to China, such as GPU semiconductors, such as GPU semiconductors, to prevent China from moving forward in technical major races! But it is clear with deep Sikh success that it is not affected by China. No matter how many restrictions are there, Chinese AI engineers have performed their best to make a low -AI model.

Massive companies like meta and mocrosoft are spending huge amounts for AI. Now with a low cost, deep sex is coming .. “Why are you unable to do so?” There is no chance to awaken questions. As a result, companies will also have to try to cut the cost.

NAS DOCK DOWN- N Vidia Blood in Stock ..!

The US NAS Dock fell 3 percent with a deep shock to technical companies with high expectations from AI. Most of N Vidyaia’s stocks fell 17 percent, especially. The company lost around $ 600 billion in a single trading season.

There are huge data for artificial intelligence and vast technology. N Vidia is one of the huge companies that make them. Due to AI, there was a great demand for N Vidia chips. In the past, the stock had become heavy in the past!

But now .. the expectations of N Vidia are reversed with the need for big data, technology and storage. This is why this stock fell 17 percent.

What are deep SEK errors?

The biggest error in deep sec .. It is a Chinese company! There is always doubt on the Chinese app on security.

Other Chinese artificial intelligence models exhibit a self -consensor ship on sensitive subjects in more, deeper SEK, China. It survived the 1989 Tianmenmen Square Protests or China’s aggression over Taiwan. AI also refused to comment on the Chinese President Jin Ping.

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