The ancient Kingdom of Kush was located in what present-day country?

The ancient Kingdom of Kush was located in what present-day country? – Answer the following The ancient Kingdom of Kush was located in what present-day country? Correctly and Stand a chance to win Amazing Prizes Every Day.

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The ancient Kingdom of Kush was located in what present-day country?

Answer – Sudan – The ancient Kingdom of Kush existed in the African region historically known as Nubia, in what is today the country of Sudan. For more than 3,000 years, Kushite capitals dominated the region, governing from the cities of Kerma, Napata, and Meroë. Nubia was located south of the ancient Egyptian civilization along the Nile River, giving the region a strong agricultural foundation. The region also served as a major trading center for goods from across Africa and the Arabian Desert, and the Kushite civilization is considered to have had a sophisticated and cosmopolitan culture.:


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