TTD Rathasaptami: Sri Mannarayan arrives at Rathsapmi in Tirumala
TTD Rathasaptami: The festival is celebrated every year by Magha Shudha Saptamindu. On the same day, Sri Liappa Swami is known as Surya Prabha, Kudesh, Garuda, Hanuma, Kalpavraksha, Sarvabhupala and Chandraprabha vehicles.
There are inscriptions that have been celebrated in Tirumala from 1564 AD to Rathsapami. From sunrise to moonlight, the masters are placed on various vehicles. To end this, a large number of devotees come to the flock to see the owner.
Suryaprabha vehicle – (5.30 am to 8 pm):
Rathsapami is the most important Rathsapami vehicle service. Anjali, who got up in the world, spread her arms at the feet of Srivari at 6.48 am.
Thousands of people who are eagerly waiting from Udayatpurwa to turn on the scene of this vehicle service. Between Govindanamasamma of the devotees, the vehicle service of the owner was organized.
Ayurvedic Health:
Surya is a universal remedy, a conscious provider of healthcare and nature. The moon, who is a pharmacist, is also growing in the sun. In this vehicle, Surya Prabha around Srivari is considered the consciousness of all living beings.
The Sun is measuring the Sun as the Sun and the sun. Devotees believe that Sun is in the world of Sunnarayan, which is in Sunna Prabha vehicle.
TTD President BR Naidu, Governing Council members Geothila Nehru, Amemis Raju, Panabka Lakshmi, Vamiddi Prasanti Reddy, Bhanu Prakash Reddy, N. Sadashivarao and Naresh were among the participants.