Medaram Jatra: For the reign of the gods! Mini Madaram Jatka

Medaram Jatra: For the reign of the gods! Mini Madaram Jatka

Madedaram Jutter: Mini Madedaram Jatra will be held for four days from 12 February to 15 February. The temple is celebrated on the Melige and Manda Melige exactly a week before the horoscope begins. To end this, Mini Medaram Jatra will be inaugurated from 12th of this month, and on Wednesday, Samamkka and Saralamma Pujari are at the forefront of the temple.

Purification of temples with Hutmelige

The descendant of the Sammakka Temple in Medaram and the Saralma Temple in Kannapalli organized the Gudimlies Festival. As part of this hut, priests with the most rules of the temple purified the temple with water. The priest and his family members went to the forest with drum equipment and brought Pokhar.

After worshiping with yellow and saffron in the grass, Pooja was decorated. The priests say that this Mandamelij and Gudicharg festival have started a mini horoscope of Vanu deities. From now on, temples are held every day with special worship ceremonies and doli at night.

The Mandameliz Festival was held in Kondai on Wednesday, celebrating Govindrajulu and Nagulamma Jatara. The horoscope will be held annually in the villages of Kondai and Dodla, while the gulos of Saralma, Nagulamma and Govindraju are purified and decorated with other equipment. The temple complex was built with mangoes in all three.


The government is arranging for the Madedaram mini horoscope with Rs 32 crore. Officials estimate that more than 20 lakh devotees will come at four -day Jatra, which will be from 12 to 15 this month. To this extent, the government received Rs.

This includes the construction of temples of Sri Samaka and Saralmma in Medaram and Kannapalli with Rs 1.80 crore. Road VVIP Guesthouse and Panchayati Raj Department Rs. Road development work has been started in Madedaram, Kannapalli, Kalwalli and Urattam villages.

Rupee. The government has allocated Rs 32 crore for various tasks.

(Reporting: Hindustan Times Telugu, United Warangal District Representative)

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