Vijayawada West bypass

Vijayawada West bypass

Kolkata-Chennai NH6 is a national highway congested. Especially in Vijayawada. The government has taken steps to investigate the situation. As part of it, it intends to construct a bypass road to reduce the crowd on the national highway. Through this, the construction of Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam and Chennai without going to Vijayawada city.

With the plan ..

In 20017, the government planned to increase connectivity to Amravati. A bypass road has been proposed from Ganavaram to Kaja Tollgate near Manglagiri. It is planned to make 47 km. For this purpose, the land was acquired and the DPR was designed for the construction of six rows.

Added to India ..

The Center has included the project in India. It was divided into several packages and construction work was done. Package 3 from Cherivitupalli to Golapudi .. Construction responsibilities were handed over to Megha Company. The package from Golapudi to Kaja Toldet is divided into 4. Navayuga and Adani have been in charge of group construction.

Rapid work done.

In 2021, construction companies began work and made it fast. About 95 percent of the work on Golapuri route has been completed. Vijayawada West bypass Road Works has been done for Rs 11,048 crore. Security measures have been taken without any danger in the construction of the latest road construction. With the construction of this bypass .. Vijayawada suburbs are growing rapidly. In the past, there is no proper road from Vijayawada. It has not been developed by areas. Now with the construction of this bypass .. the presence of the area has changed.

Speed ​​Gun .. CC camera ..

The road was built using sophisticated technology. It was designed to travel at a speed of 100 km. Speed ​​guns and CC cameras have been installed to identify the overwhelming speed. Solar system lighting was installed. They are equipped with the entire road. Care was taken to avoid getting dark anywhere. Sign boards have been established everywhere. Indications are placed in areas where the speed decreases.

Wings for land prices ..

With the construction of West bypass .. it is a real estate venture. With real estate traders and land purchasing entrepreneurs, people are happy that prices have increased. Farmers are angry that the prices of the fields have increased. Earlier, the road was Rs 2 crore per acre. If the road is completed, the area is expected to increase.

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