New York Suicide: Telugu student Sikumar Reddy committed suicide in America
New York Suicide: A Telugu student who went to the United States for higher education was committed to New York. A young, Sikumar Reddy, went to America for higher studies. He is doing a part -time job in New York, USA. Sai Kumar Reddy seized the passport as part of the inspections of recent federal officials. The concerned youth committed suicide in the office of the working office. Friends told the Telugu media outlets from the US that they were not even informed about their suicide.
The lack of family members is said to be not able to reach them. The incident is fierce. Two days ago, those who left America were sent to Amritsar. There are reports that another 18,000 people have been identified. Friends say that this sequence Sikumar Reddy has committed suicide if he has forcibly reverse India in the absence of passport. More information about Saikumar Reddy.
On the other hand, Indians are under severe pressure. They are worried about returning home.