Brahmudi 8 February 8th Episode: Brahmamudi-Kavya-Kavya-Kalyan Control
Brahma Mudi Serial Today episodes, apart from this, tell anyone who wants to stay at home. Kavya says that I will. He did well while adding henna. But Rudrani says that it is annoying to stay up to six. Indira Devi settors. Do you like Gorinta Gorinta? Aparna says.
Loan under welfare control
Give me to give me. Gorinta says that Gorinta does not need courage. Kavya asked in love. keep them. Also, do not talk with words. Indira Devi also wants to pay the loan. Welfare agrees to invest well. Inideradevi says the marriage is under control.
That is, Kavya says that we do not listen to the husband. Subhash punched whether he was listening to the wedding in this house. Kavya says that you have also joined. Raj says that if my father is in favor of virtue, then there will be there. Rudrani again brings property confrontation. Tell me how long to give it. The funny words go back to Kavya again.
Kavya wants to stand up. Inideradevi says what Kavya did for the house. Whoever does not understand that you are my party. This is why the property has been written. Kavya’s henna is full of debt and dreams. Kani has fulfilled her responsibility for a dream of dreams. whatever you do. Inideradevi says that children should not only pay attention to the work of working.
Raj, Rahul and Kalyan were a fear that it would be together. But, you are happy to see the three. It is good to come from the same house. Inderadevi says that they are like a sister here, not only bridesmaids. Rudrani punches. Rudrani dreams of dreamer. Gorinta’s grandmother is amazing.
Indira Devi said that she should wake up early in the morning. How good it would be if everyone was together throughout his life. Inderadevi is what I wanted to do. On the other hand, Raj is working to give a bottle of water to Kavya. Kavya says that henna is asking if you know what to do.
If Kavya falls in a water bottle, Raj sees himself. Raj says that he can say that Gorinta has said. You want to work in the bedroom. But, Kavya is mischievous what wife wants and what she expects. Raj says that he does not bother. Then itching behind Kavya. Kavya goes to the wall and rubs it. Raj Ai saw it .. He says that the buffalo wall from the field is rubbing the wall.
Raj who agreed to see children
A great romantic person who compares buffalo to Abba’s wedding. Kavya says that if I am suffering from itching. What is your pain Raj Kavya’s back is not your back Gokli. Kavya is overwhelmed. Kavya asks about the child if he thinks anything about another grandmother. Raj says that he feels that he is giving. Kavya says that he did not think he would accept it quickly.
This is our responsibility. Grandma will do this in front of everyone tomorrow. Raj says that I will stand on the words I give. Kavya was a major setback in front of everyone. I do not agree. Nuvu accepts. I will make you like you You are upset Raj says that you will feel happy. Kavya says that I am happy.
Raj says that if Barsala is grand then why is it not a feeling. Barasala remembers, but angry that there is no child. Raj is shocked. Gorinta did not like this. Kavya lies in despair that you can also work and kick the mask. Raj thinks that this drama does not understand what is understood. On the other hand, Kalyan sees the room. Kalyan says that instead of murder, he was looking at the inventory.
Mother changed a lot
so. I am remembering the moments you spent here. If everything was right, we would have been in the same room. Kalyan says that we will be very happy to be in our own place. And if the housekeepers can think about what is said. No, my mother changed a lot. There is an uproar about the property in the house. If we are, we will be more. Kalyan says that he cannot work to hurt grandmother and grandfather.
Someone is affecting aunt. Whether it can be changed here or not. I know who is doing this. However, it is not invalid. Mother does not hear who says. He himself knows. Kalyan says that as grandmother says, grandson or grandson. Kalyan says that it is necessary to find all these problems in the house. It is also a loan.
Kalyan means at least coffee and tiffins .. coffee is fine. Kalyan said that this is ours. Rudrani on the other hand calls Anamika. There will also be Barasala at home tomorrow. everyone is happy. I alone look forward to the owl. You say a lot of words. But, no one has. Trust you and benefits. do you dare? I don’t like it if they are happy. Rudrani asks if you can do anything.
Anonymous unrest
Don’t worry. Hunting animals are silent which does not mean they have died. Looking forward for the occasion. I am also watching a chance. Anamika says that tomorrow the bomb in your house will be disturbed with tomorrow, and that happiness will evaporate with my arrival. Today’s Brahma serial episode ends.