Mutual Fund: Flexi Cap Mutual Fund was given by high returns in 5 years.

Mutual Fund: Flexi Cap Mutual Fund was given by high returns in 5 years.

In the last few months, the stock market has been very large. Are you planning to start mutual fund investment in this decline? But this is for you! See Flexi Cap Mutual Fund data here more than 20 percent returns in 5 years.

What is Flexi Cap Mutual Fund?

Flexi cap mutual fund means investing at least 65 % equity and equity tools. It is a new category of mutual funds declared by SEBI circular on 6 November 2020. The market regulator said that fund houses are in full discretion to invest in large cap, mid -cap and small cap stock.

They are separated for multi -CAP funds to ensure that at least 25 percent of the three categories -small cap, mid cap and large cap stock.

More than 20 percent returns in 5 years ..

Flexi cap fund 5 years Return (%) AUM (for Rs 1 crore)
Volume flexi cap fund 29.73 6,831.14
Franklin India Flexi Cap Fund 20.51 17,343.70
HDFC Flexi Cap Fund 22.45 67,038.96
JM Flexicap Fund 22.08 5,363.85
Parag assay flexi cap fund 23.44 90,681.07

,Source: AMFI; Five years returns by 7 February, 2025,

As we can see in the top table, Franklin India Flexi Cap Fund has given 20.51 % in the last five years. Quant Flexi Cap Fund offered the highest returns in the last five years, while Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund gave an annual return of 23.44 %.

In terms of fund size, the largest Flexi Cap Scheme Parag Parik Flexi Cap Fund is priced at Rs 90,681 crore. The price of HDF C Flexi Cap Fund is Rs 67,038 crore.

Find out this ..

Investors assess previous revenue before investing in mutual funds and comparing other schemes in the same category. Apart from the final return, which category is this scheme, the reputation of the fund house, the plan is active or how is the entire market situation during investment? Experts suggest investing in other such aspects.

Mutual funds may give the right idea how the previous returns will work in the future. For example, if a plan has previously performed extraordinary performances, it can now trading on premiums, and therefore, growth of development. Similarly, if the value of equity funds has declined in recent times, there may be a possibility of an increase in the near future.

However, it is notable that the final return plan does not guarantee future returns. In other words, no one can say that a plan will continue to perform equal performance in the future, as a plan has been given extraordinary performance in the past.

(Note:- This is only an article designed for information. You have to contact the SEBI registered financial advisor before making any investment.)


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