Kakinada Crime: Showing pornographic videos to students.
Kakinada District U. There is a primary school in a village in Kothpalli zone. A teacher, Sudhir, works in school. He is unsafe for a few days with fifth year students. He showed students pornographic videos on cellphones and worked with porn touch. Tired students have told the parents how the teacher is spending on them.
Parents’ displeasure.
Teachers who know the keys of the teacher are angry. Parents went to school on Thursday. Information about this case was reported by Zonal Education Department officials B.K. Venugopal and G. Pedirju was given. Officials of the zonal education department organized a school on Friday. Talking to students and collecting details from them. The report was submitted to the District Education Officer. This is not the case.
Suspended order ..
Based on the report of the officials of the zonal education department, the chief teacher took action. Teacher Sudhir was suspended. The incident was known. The police have registered a poxo case against the teacher. Police said they were investigating. Police said that the matter is being investigated under the aegis of Kakinada DSP. After investigation, full details will come out.
Remand to lead teacher ..
In the case of sexual harassment of a student of existing school, a teacher has been taken to the central jail for remand. A master Prasad, a master of counting of Dwarpudi Ganga Prasad, has sexually harassed a student in a private school in Buchchiapata Mandal in Anakalli district. As the student told his parents, they took the teacher Ganga Prasad and bored.
The police reached the spot and took the teacher into custody. The victim’s complaint was lodged with the victim’s parents. The accused was produced in Chodavaram Court on Friday. The SP said that the accused was taken to Visakhapatnam Central Jail on Saturday.
(Reporting- Jagdiswara Rao Jarajapu, Hindustan Times Telugu)