Ilu Ilau Pilalu February 10th Episode: Chandu’s Curse
Illu Ilabo Pillu serial Today episode is Ram Raju Shithil. On the other hand, Sagar-Naramada and endurance-love romantic posquito photos come down. Let their two boys get up and get married. Did not say this. Ram Raju recalls the words of the girl’s father that we are looking at the wedding.
If couples take photos
Meanwhile, uncle who saw Ram Raju. Like marriage is fine. It is late to make the seals. I put a photoshoot of large flaxis for marriage. How it is? Pola .. Adripola .. You also come. If you take pictures of your first couple, you will be a task. Let’s take a single photo. This uncle is comedy.
Ram Raju is angry with Bamardi. Everything will be shocked to see this. Bhadravati is watching from behind .. Ray Ram Raju. I will oppose every attempt to marry my eldest son. I will not marry your eldest son. Bhadravati thinks that you will not stay away from this grief. Uncle is suffering from pain. Everything goes home. Ram Raju is sad.
Meanwhile, Chandu comes and asks what happened. Forgive me. Ram Raju says that you cannot marry. Oops you apologize to me. Chandu says what is the origin. I have seen a good relationship. You will be happy for the rest of your life. But Ram Raju says that the relationship is closed. If this is not a second relationship. Chandu says that it should be disturbed.
Both of you
The cause of your daddy’s pain is different. They first accept it. However, it was canceled before coming home. Vedavati says that he is suffering from acknowledgment. They think. Play games. But you have to ask you firmly, say Sagar. If you want a reason. Ram Raju angrily says that you are the reason why you, man, and you are a relationship like sleeping.
The ocean is confused that I am the cause of the child. The reason for your marriage is the first marriage method. You have taken care of your selfishness. Your weddings have given a big achievement for you. Insulting that two sons got up and got married without telling the father. Ram Raju says that you can send me to your house, I cannot send me to my house.
As I said the reason. Now tell me what to do. Who believes that he is a good man in front of you. He is worried about you. Give your elder brother a great gift. Ram hate Ram Raju that Kadara Chi .. is in some relationship. Chandu says that they cannot see if they are suffering from me.
Such questions
seeing. If someone else said that my relationship has gone. But Ram Raju says that you cannot think for a minute. Chandu means that you can suffer like this. If there is no further. The idea is that this fear is burning me vertically.
everything goes. Sagar and Dheeraj Dosulla remains. Sagar is crying after his father’s words. Narmada asks what happened. Sagar means the shock of Narmada that we should not marry. I have done wrong. Sagar says that I have made a big mistake instead of marrying the elder brother. Narmada says that the circumstances we are in is something else.
Of course, I could not think that my marriage would become a problem for my elder brother’s life. My life was blown away by my father’s pain. My heart has stopped. Aroju Nuvu comes to our house and is confused. There was a mistake. huge mistake. Sagar accused Narmada of living until our elder brother gets married. Sagar says that our elder brother should do something for happiness.
Dheeraj, which is against love
Our elder brother is crying for the rest of life instead of getting married. The reason for this is that I am myself. I lost as a son. The ocean sits in tears. Narmada also hurt. On the other hand, Dheeraj is angry with his father. He picks up everything. Meanwhile, love .. yours .. so you. Dheeraj says that our elder brother is canceling a marriage.
I am to marry you. Nobody knows that you went with that welfare drain. Nobody knows what I got married in circumstances. But, in this world, I picked you up and got married. It was for this reason that our elder brother’s relationship was canceled. If you do not tie the marriage, the marriage will not stop. Dheeraj says that you are the reason. Love is also the reason why they are your ocean elder brother.
If a son makes it right. Our father’s cultivation was wrong that another son had picked up. Dheeraj says that everything is high. Once again, Navale does not mean. That day, that day is disregarded that you have gone. Who is Kattamnara? I asked me to do tally. Holding your legs and Batimilada. I have been forced to do so. I have ruined my life. But, because of my life, your life is ruined from day to day.
I am hanged
I was hanging myself on my neck. Dheeraj says that I will save you. Once again, I like to save the cheek. Hey survived. Dheeraj says that if I have a talisman, I will die. I am now. If I die from this hell, love is better. Yes, endurance leaves that if you die, it is not so with my father.
Still my karma. Love is what I think is going to be a word. On the other hand, Dheeraj, who came to Chandu, asked the Sagar sari to forgive. Our weddings have become a curse for your life. Sagar says that we are forgiving. Chandu says Urukora. Both of you are burning in tears. Dheeraj says that this is not because of us. Chandu tells Urukomani.
Piles who fall on the feet
Dheeraj, who says that they have abandoned helplessness, fall on the feet. If you go to Dhirj College .. then Vedavati also orders to take love. Dhiraj loves love on a bike. This is when Bhadravati sees him at home. Vedavati goes inside. The love of father, aunt and bike is in fear. The universe is fierce. Today’s home today ends children’s serial episodes.