Ilu Ilabu Pilalu 11 February 11th Episode: Vedavati defeat in Kodali’s hands
Sagar and Dheeraj say that you have not married in front of you. Patience becomes emotional that our marriages will become a curse for your future. Now he is suffering from sorrow. Dheeraj has legs. Chandu says that you do not want to do this, but even my younger brother does not hurt me.
Marriage is not important …
I say that marriage is more important than the love of my younger brother. Chandu rested Dheeraj and Sagar. Tirupati celebrates the love and affiliation of the middle of the world. Even after the birth of children and the birth of your children, your elder brothers should be the same.
Sea to ocean….
When the ocean is picked up in the morning, treatment is prepared. Wherever you are going, the ocean is asking for birth. Sagar was shocked to hear him. It is said that you were married last night.
The tribe is suffering from getting married … so you are going to our birth to calm down. Sagar says that our elder brother has talked with sadness that marriage has become a marriage, not to leave me a little. He has apologized.
joke …
Sagar laughs with fear of seger. You have been mocked to play and go to office. It says that wedding leaves have gone. Sagar is confused by Ram Raju to visit Narmada’s office. Sagar says that the matter does not take the father directly to the father, and he does not help Tali.
Vedavati …
Vedavati says that he is going to office. Asks for your permission. You are the biggest of this house. Anyone in the house has to take his permit, Vedavati falls into the basket. Vedavati is flowing with the biggest house in the house. After that, the original is the name of Neerda. Vedavati asks him to tell her father as he is going to office.
Vedavati challenge with Kodali …
Creating big studies and doing government work. Aunt says that I will go and refuse my father. You are crying from my child as a child.
Marriage is your favorite …
Ram Rajju asks if he has gone to office and go to office if you give permits. Your marriage has made you love. Ramraju says that you have taken important decisions about your life … Why my permission in this one thing … if you want to go to office. And when you are going to say something, you have given me permits. Vedavati Fida is seen by intelligence.
Work in Ricemill …
Dheeraj on the other side decided to stop college studies and work in Rikmil. He says that everyone in college makes many comments about marriage and they have no power to bear them. Chandu entertained his younger brother. He is a daddy that he should be well educated, and he will stop studying in the middle and will give life to his younger brother.
Plan of …
Vedavati says that the other side is confident of sending love to the college. This is when love is an ordinary man. The Vedavati is drowned by the death of the family, and the girl who is doing a great study, the girl who is working on a priest is showing a smoker, and the girl who thinks for the family is unexpected.
But buildings give buildings to see that thoughts in mind should be overstated for everything. I think I do not know how to send love to college.
Pass in distinction …
Vedavati asks with love whether he goes to college or not. But love the aunt because she is stopping. Vedavati says that you have done the same thing. The arrival of distinction is the arrival. Aunt helps.
Don’t be worse …
Vedavati’s love is not going to college. Love says that friends in college finds out derogatory to show their face. Vedavati will go to college without any such fear in Manasu.
With this year, your study will be completed, and it is good to stop the study before your troubles. Vedavati and Narmada convinced you to go to college to go to college to go to college, not to destroy their studies.
Aunty blessings …
Vedavati is blessed by Buuluddiru Vedavati. Auntie put on aunt on aunt, not to eat with worries I am not at home. Vedavati is flowing with happiness because she says her aunt at the same time.
Dheeraj goes to college. Vedavati ordered the son to love her in college. Talli accepts the word. Dheeraj and Love are sitting on the same bike and are going to college, will see the rest of the members of Bhadravati and Senapati family. Looking at them, love gets off the bike. Today’s home houses ended with children’s serial.