Illu Ilau Pilalu February 13th episode: Chandu’s wedding

Illu Ilau Pilalu February 13th episode: Chandu’s wedding

Neerada tells her girlfriend Padma about the goodness of Chandu, Ram Raju and Vedavati. Code looks like daughters, Chandu says he is very innocent and good. Padma Thama is associated with Pinny’s daughter. Arrangement for bride gaze.

Happy …

Happy to be happy with Padma’s words. Gudnues told Ram Raju and Vedavati and the rest of the family members. Tomorrow is going to go to the eyes of marriage. Ramraju says that insult to previous bridesmaids is not going into marriage.

He says that he is looking for marriage. It is understood that you are talking about the words of lost weddings, and this time we have no objection to our love marriage, and they have no objection to Ramraju.

Conversely …

Sagar and Vedavati Ramraju along with other family members will live, saying that this is definitely a good relationship and has to go to the wedding. Ram Raju does not want to go for family members for marriage.

Vedavati, who named her husband …

Vedwati is ready to go to Chandu’s wedding gaze. Vedavati says that there is a lack of happiness in the house, and there is a lack of happiness in the house. Vedavati called her husband to name Ramraju Chandu’s wedding. We love and marry … I think I have the right to name my husband.

No matter how many words Vedavati say … Ram Raju is a sales and tells him. This time Ramaraju is afraid of what the words of the wedding will be. Vedavati relaxes that this is the relationship that has been seen and there is no peak. The husband will be taken to the wedding.

Sagar Khusi …

Sagar Khushi becomes a marriage relationship. Sagar says that he is carrying tears and tears in the case of Chandu’s marriage. The husband says that she has the responsibility of marrying Chandu.

Patience, love … at home …

Everyone will be ready for the wedding sight. , Vedavati says that Dhirraj is at home. He asks her to cook love for her. The man loves the man’s words that I should cook for it.

Bhadravati …

Bhadravati sees the entire Ram Raju family. The universe tells the universe that they are going where they are going and who they are. Ram Raju follows the car. They know what they have come to the wedding and tell Bhadravati.

Bhadravati cures Chandu’s marriage. It is universal that the king of the Ram Raja will not be married to the rest of it. Bhadravati will order the universe that the girl knows her phone number and tells her. How did you think this Bhadravati is getting married … I am angry with Ram Raju.

Tirupati Utsav …

Chandu says that the girl loved the girl at the wedding. The girl also says that she likes Chandu. Tirupati is convincing that marriage is fine. The girl’s father tells us that we have no objection to Dheeraj and Sagar’s wedding. Vedavati called the girl’s father.

For surname …

After speaking the phone, the girl’s father refused to marry. Ramraju insults Ram Raju’s family, who is not giving his daughter for nickname. Narmada and Sagar. Sagar killed Nirvada. Ram Raju blocked him.

Ramraju gives a class to Sagar that you should not do it on the wife or … Sagar angrily says that it does not have to hit it. Ram Raju does to kill the son. Ram Raja did not kill Sagar. Today’s home houses ended with children’s serial.

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