Star Ma Serial TRP Rating: Surprise .. Star our serial TRP ratings huge changes .. Top 3

Star Ma Serial TRP Rating: Surprise .. Star our serial TRP ratings huge changes .. Top 3

Star Ma serial TRP rating: Fifth week of TRP rating for Star Ma and G Telugu serials. However, there have been huge changes in ratings this week. The house has become serials from the top 3. Let’s see what the serial rating looks.

In this way our serial TRP rating star

In the fifth week, our serial rating star .. Kartikdeep 2 continues to be at the top. The serial was rated at 13.71. However, the serial seems more popular in rural areas than urban. The serial in the urban area was just 10.23. The second place was a heart -filled Hut serial. The serial was rated 13.08 in the latest ratings.

The third place is the house of Ramayana. The heart -filled heart -filled heart for hours was 13.05 ratings for the serial competition. The house, which has been in second place for some years, fell to the fourth place. The serial 12.86 rating was the fifth week. In fifth place, Chinni was the serial with a 9.99 rating.

G Telugu serial TRP rating

When it comes to Zee Telugu serials .. there is no major change in that channel. However, some serial ratings are gradually decreasing. In the fifth, the top rating serial on the channel, with a 7.47 rating. Overall, this serial position is seven.

The new serial Chamomile was achieved with 6.9 ratings. The girl was 5.77 and four -year 5.53 ratings. In one phase, one of the top serials of the Gita, four -year -year rating is slowly losing ratings.

ETV, Jemeni serial rating

There are no major changes in the ETV and Jemeni serial ratings. The ETV is at the top with the top with 3.53 in the ETV.

None of the Gemini serials can cross at least 1 rating. Shrimad Ramayana is only 0.9 rating. Bhairavi won the rating of 0.75 and Shivangi 0.53.

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