Vijianagaram: Doubt in the district in Vijayanagaram
The murder of a young engineer has become a sensation in Vijayanagaram district. According to local people and police, there is a family in Nemlam village in Vijayanagaram district. The husband of the family is innocent. He was looking for jobs. However, a distant cousin Prasad, a software engineer, is close to his wife. Prasad sends a message to his mobile phone. Messages of Prasad sent on laptop through WhatsApp web.
Come to the bride to gaze.
She does not want to have a close relationship between Prasad and Prasad. He could not tolerate it. Prasad was very angry at the message that if he came to Bangalore, Prasad sent him to his job. Anna asked Anna to kill Prasad. Meanwhile, Prasad’s hometown came from Bangalore.
Filming as a road accident.
Prasad was looking at Dada’s house in Porugur. He called the night and brought it to Nemlam. On the way, he was killed with the first car. After that, Prasad was killed by the bundle. The dead body was filled on the road. Everyone did this to do so that he was in a road accident. Prasad destroyed two -shrimp and hit the road. They then went home because they did not know anything.
Facts came out in the trial.
It was thought that everyone was in the first road accident. It was suspected that he was murdered after seeing wounds on dirt. But who has been murdered? Why did you kill? This is not. The police have registered a case of murder. The real facts of the police were mourning. Police have confirmed that the murder was done on suspicion of extramarital cases. The brothers were taken into custody. They agreed to commit crimes. The accused said that Prasad had thrown the mobile phone into the ground. Due to this, the police seized the mobile phone by the police.
(Reporting- Jagdiswara Rao Jarajapu, Hindustan Times Telugu)