YS Jagan: There is no place for law and justice.
YCP chief Jagan commented that the state had no place for law and justice. The Redbook has been criticized to implement the Constitution with severe misuse. Illegal arrests .. He accused the original constitution of pushing. Former MLA Vallabhani Vamsi tweeted that the coalition government was very unfair.
Unable to face mistakes ..
“In the Sugarcanavaram case, TDP has pressured him. Jagan alleged that if the ruling party was unable to deal with the conspiracy, he was unable to face his mistakes.
To what extent ..
“How much to be harassed by a Dalit teenager to tell the truth?” On the day of testimony, police and TDP workers went to the family of a Dalit youth and threatened them and scared them? Is this a democratic government? Do you use the system in all these ways to achieve your groups? ‘Jagan questioned.
your responsibility ..
“In the Supreme Court case, the lower court is listening to the case after their orders. If the facts come out of the false case .. Complete investigation, testing, finally the judge and legal process are mocked. Is it anarchy what you are doing with the pride of authority? Is this misuse of power? I strongly condemn Vamsi’s arrest. This government has to take full responsibility for any problem with the safety of Vamsi, ”Jagan said.
Like a case against the victims.
“I strongly condemn the false case against former Dalur MLA Kotharu Abbayya Chaudhary. The driver of Abbayya Chaudhary has been pushed by the TDP MLA in the premises of Kalyan Mandapam. The SC and ST case against Abbayya Chaudhary is a bad thing. Millions of people have seen the video of what TDP MLA has done. And whose action should be taken? If mistakes are made by TDP, they are asked to take action against them. 307, ie what is the attempt to murder? On the victims. Is this incident in the form of a will for deteriorating systems in the state? ‘ he is.
Record of people’s diary.
‘Chandrababu! The 143 guarantee given to the public including Super -6 was not given .. None of the implementation of all the previous schemes, and people were pushed into crisis. They are being arrested with false cases and false witnesses, which are targeting our party leaders and workers to divert public attention. People continue to record your mistakes in their diary. We warns that the appropriate amount should not be paid, ”Jagan tweeted.