TG Ration Card: Names of new family members on ration card, updated on citizenship department
TG Ration Card Update: The process of issuing new ration cards in Telangana is going on. With the application for new cards in service centers … people are heavy queues. The government has announced that it will provide cannabis on the ration card. Against this background, officers are arranging the distribution of cannabis. The Department of Civil Affairs said that 4.59 lakh tonnes of cannabis has already been prepared. The government is likely to start a program to distribute canbis on ration cards during the Yugadi festival. 6 kg rice per month on ration card.
Updated ration card
The government has intensified the updated process of ration cards. Ration cards change for the last 10 years … there are very big complaints. The names of the new members of the House are not available in the ration card and there are no welfare schemes like Arogya Shri. The names of married women were removed on the birth ration card, but it could not be added to the attaint card. To address these issues, the Department of Civil Affairs has worked to identify beneficiaries through special software. The names of newly married women and the names of homemade children are given for ration cards.
More than 12 lakh families have applied to the Department of Civil Affairs to add more than 18 lakh names to the ration card in the state. After investigating the officials, only 6.68 lakh families were eligible for changes with special software. The department of civil matters is to enter the names of 1.30 lakh beneficiaries by the end of this month.
Financial burden on government
The Civil Supplies Officer is considering whether their names are on other ration cards based on Aadhaar number. However, applications have been implemented for the names of two to three members of each family. Officials of the Civil Affairs Department estimate that the government will have a financial burden of Rs 32 crore per year to distribute 6 kg of rice to new people.