TG MLC Election: Officers focusing on MLC voting system for APO and APO
TG MLC Election: Officers are paying special attention to MLC elections in North Telangana. Karimnagar Nizamabad Nizamabad Nizamabad Medam Graduates and teachers are training APOs with adequate arrangements for voting of two MLC elections. Officials have taken steps to hold elections without any mistake.
MLC elections are going on in North Telangana. On the other hand, if political parties are campaigning for MLC candidates, the officials are engaged in the polling system. The nomination process is over and the candidates are in this process. Karimnagar Nizamabad Adilabad Medak is competing for 56 teachers. Officers are busy in providing serial numbers to candidates in ballot paper and working in collecting polling stations.
Mahashivaratri polling
MLC Election Voting Mahashivratri is being held on 27th of this month. Karimnagar Collector Election Returning Officer Pamela Satpathi visited polling stations at the Center of Gangadhar Mandal at the Center of Gangadhar Mandal at the Women’s Degree College of the Government, Vaninikan Degree College, Sarkar Dhangarwadi High School and Gangadhar Mandal Center.
The facilities to be established in schools and schools were examined. Local authorities have been instructed to complete all the arrangements without any trouble to the voters. Special arrangements for voters. Emmrovs have been ordered to take measures to exercise their franchise in a free environment in a peaceful environment.
Collector Training Classes for POS and Appos in the world
Collector of Nodal Officers Satyaprasad has advised the nodal officials to have a thorough understanding of the voting process in Nizamabad, Karimanagar, Medak and Adilabad Joint MLC elections in the United District. Whatever doubt, master trainers in training classes are asked to solve. The Collectorate organized the first phase of training classes for presiding officers, assistant presiding officers and OPOs in the district.
The Collector suggested that the Election Commission should know every aspect of the guidelines and rules. He said that the electoral process of the Legislative Council was somewhat different than the assembly and parliamentary elections. The MLC voting process in the ballot has been able to vote and work with restraint and restraint.
If negligent work is done in duty
The Collector of Jagitala has warned that strict measures should be taken to neglect the election duties. It was clarified that the cell phone was not allowed to be taken to polling stations. It is clear that after the voting process is over, the day of distribution is to carry the ballot boxes and hand it over to the reception center in Karimnagar. Under any circumstances, it is advisable to keep ballots and ballot boxes.
Agents of voters and candidates have made it clear that POS is responsible for increasing doubts on various issues. After voting, it is suggested to prepare a report in record books. Master instructors explained through power point presentation on the responsibilities and responsibilities of POS and APO.
Alphorce name in ballet paper
Sardar Ravinder Singh, who contested as All India Forward Black candidate, has objected to the printing of ballet paper before the name of Al. Ravinder Singh, who is not satisfied with the response of the officer returning the election on the arrival of Alfalos in the ballot, has announced that he will fight for justice. Ravinder Singh has already contacted the court for violating the Congress code during the nomination.
Reporting: KV Reddi United Karimnagar District Correspondent, Hindustan Times Telugu.