TG new ration card: Big update issues important instructions on new ration cards
Chief Minister Revant Reddy has directed the officials to immediately arrange for the issuance of new ration cards. It is clear that all eligible people should be given ration cards. Families who have already applied .. They are advised not to apply them again. In districts not to be implemented by MLC election code, they are ordered to take immediate steps to issue cards. Several designs have been examined for the new card.
Rising expectations ..
After the formation of Telangana state .. Many have applied for a new ration card. Waiting for nine years with hope. The state government has indicated green for the new ration card. This has re -expected the beneficiaries. Initially applied for public administration. Those who are not named in the Gram Sabha, are now applying to the service centers.
3 types of applications ..
Currently, the government has allowed three types of applications. So far, those who do not have any original ration cards can apply for the new. The ration card has the names of the parents of the parents.
There is no need again ..
The government has also given an opportunity to change its address. Three types of applications are received by service centers. Officials say that people who have been nominated in Gram Sabha and applicants do not need to re -apply for your service centers. However, people are worried about where they will not get the card .. People are running in service centers.
There is no last deadline.
Officials say that if there are any eligible people who do not apply for ration cards in the village councils, then the government has given an opportunity to apply for the service centers. It is clear that there is no final deadline to apply. Those who apply in the village councils say that you do not need to apply in your service again. Officials say that the petitions are registered online and are searching for government orders.
Nameless ..
Inideramma Houses, Inideramma Shipitry Assurance, Ration Cards, Farmer Assurance .. Regarding the implementation of these four welfare schemes, the list of eligibility was held from 21 January to 24 January. The government has clarified that those who are not eligible for names should apply. This is being re -implemented.