Indrakeladri: Indrakeldri-February 24 to 28 management on Maha Shivaratri Mahatavas for five days management

Indrakeladri: Indrakeldri-February 24 to 28 management on Maha Shivaratri Mahatavas for five days management

Bharatiya Shivaratri: Durgamleshwar Swami will organize Maha Shivaratri ceremony on Indrakeladari. The Vedic Committee has decided to organize a five -day Maha Shivaratha Maha Festival from 24 February to 28 February.

Five -Days begin with the barn for the first couple, and Mandla Puja, festival, chariot and complete. From 1 to 3 March, Malleshwar Swamy’s temple will be held at the temple. As part of the Mahashivarti celebrations, the morning of 24 February, Ganga Parvati (Durga) Samantha Malleshwar Swami will be anointed by Panchamuruta Abhishek, Nai Snan and decoration of newlyweds.

Special program

Vedic activities such as evening celebrations, mandapadhana, installation of Kalasha, foundation, fire, root mantra and balihana are performed. On 25 February, there will be pavilions, rituals, original mantras vehicles and sacrifices. On 26 February, the consecration of Malleshwar Swami wars will be from 6 am to 9 am, 10 am to 1 pm to 5 pm.

The same day at 8.30 pm, Mahanayasam, Lingodarbhav Kalabhishkam and The Night Ganga Parvati (Durga) Samantha Malleshwar Swami Divya Leela Kalyanam will perform. Malleshwar Swamy Temple will be held on February 27 at 9 am, and the Rath Festival will be held at four in the evening on Canal Road. On February 28, at 9 am, Malleshwar Swamy will end the festival with the temple, Purnahuti, Grain Kotnavam, Durga Ghat and festival.

Tickets at general prices

As part of the Maha Shivaratri celebrations, Swami will demonstrate Dwadasha and Housing Service every evening from 1 to 3 March in the evening. The committee said that all the devotees can make a vision of these festivals. It is said that there is no difficulty in normal vision. The Vaicadi Committee said that the ticket would be common with the festival. However, the celebrations are more and there will be some restrictions. Devotees are advised to take it in the process.

Reporting: Jagdiswara Rao Jarajapu, Hindustan Times Telugu

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