TCS in Fortune List: TCS in Fortune List; Recorded as one of the most respected companies

TCS in Fortune List: TCS in Fortune List; Recorded as one of the most respected companies

TCS in Fortune List: Indian tech giant TCS has been nominated by the world’s most respected companies created by Fortune Magazine for 2025. TCS has received this honor in the recognition of TCS services in the technology sector. The innovation of TCS services and the needs of customers, with the priority of employees, remains a pioneer in the technology business sector.

IT services, counseling, business solution

“International veteran Tata Consultancy Services has been nominated in the world’s most respected companies in the world in the list of Fortune magazines in the world in IT services, counseling and business solutions. Recognition of TCS capabilities is a will for long -to -long classes of the respective communities, “TCS said in a statement.

With a comprehensive survey ..

Fortune is based on a comprehensive survey conducted by more than 3,300 top officials, directors, directors, and 650 companies that have evaluated companies in various industries. Fortune Worlds will be standard for corporate reputation. Fortune has been working together for more than two decades to broaden the annual ranking with Corn Ferry. Innovative, internationally, international business, attracting talent, growing, and continuing to continue with them, and accountability in the list of major issues such as community and environment.

Priority for employees

This recognition also suggests commitment to TCS in giving priority to employees. The TCS first obtained enterprise-wide employment certification from the top employer institute at the International Authority of the Top Employer Institute about the good of the practices of the people. It is a major milestone in the company. This prestigious awards are given to very few companies that apply the best policies in the workplace in all major areas. He also won the TCS Award as a global top employer for 2025. The company is creating a large plateau for satisfaction of employees. Industry analysts and market rankings are recognized for TCS leadership in IT services. In the early years of this year, the company’s brand crossed the $ 20 billion mark. According to the brand Finance 2025 IT services rankings, it is a global company in global service companies that cross the landmark.

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