AP Police: AP Police Text Rules Amendment, No longer 65 % SI Post does not replace directly

AP Police: AP Police Text Rules Amendment, No longer 65 % SI Post does not replace directly

AP Police Recruitment Rules: The government has revised the police recruitment rules in the state. 65 % of the posts of Deputy Inspector (SI) will be filled through direct recruitment. State Home Secretary Kumar Vishwajit Gazette notification was issued.

Sub -Inspector (Civil) Post is to be replaced by 65 percent of direct recruitment. It was only 55 percent in the past. By promoting ASC and head constables, it has been decided to change 30 percent of the posts from the reserve sub -inspector of the police. If the marks are the same then the candidates should be given priority.

If they are in the same rank, it is decided to prioritize the elders based on the date of birth. It has not yet been replaced, but it has been decided to change the positions with Stepen Cadet Trainee Sis in direct recruitment. The chairman of the Police Recruitment Board was finalized on selection and guidelines. If there is a violation, the chairman’s decision will be final.

Andhra Pradesh District Police Act -1859 (1859 Central Act No. 1859 Central Law XXIV) announced amendment with the powers given by Section 8 and 10 and Article 309 to the Governor of Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh Governor Andhra Pradesh Governor Andhra Pradesh Governor Andhra Pradesh Governor Andhra Pradesh. Is. Constitution of India.

Such reservation

Some reservation has been made for special categories in direct recruitment vacancies. Police Executive -5 percent, Police Ministry -1 percent, Talented Player -2, Police Staff Children -2, Death/Disabled Police Staff -2 percent, National Cadet Corps (NCC) -3 percent.

1. In the police sub-request (civil) vacancies, only 5 percent of their respective fields will be replaced with local candidates from their respective area.

2. They should be 40 years old by 1 July of the year of options. AR/ SarccPl/ APSP would have served for less than 5 years with a clear and appreciated service record and has done commendable work before the performance of Naxalites, Maoists and terrorist activities.

There should also be a student prescribed for Sub Inspector (Civil) of Police. It is considered to be the option to change it by moving it.

3. Selection for appointment by transfer will be done at Mangalgiri, Chairman of the State Level Police Recruitment Board. Vacancies will be counted on the number of vacancies constituted between June 30, June 30, for the appointment of the police sub-encoder (civil) vacancies from the Reserve Sub-Inspector of Police (AR/ SARCPL/ APSP).

4. Apart from this, Gray Hounds, Special Intelligence Branch (SIB), Octopus, CI Sale (Counter Intelligence), District Special Party, ANS (Anti-Naxalite Squad), APSP to Anti-Naxalite/Terrorist affected police stations should be in one year Working as a sub-encoder.

Those who have won medals for anti -Naxal/Maoist/terrorist activities are considered a good commendable job for control of Naxalites, Maoist category and terrorist activities. The standards of such reserved sub-inspectors of the police should be calculated on the basis of the total marks received by the candidate.

5. Gray Hounds, SIB, Octopus, CI Sale, District Special Party, ANS, terrorist -affected police stations will be based on the service spent by July 1 of Anti -NXLit/Maoist/Maoist/terrorist work.

(i) 1-3 years (except 3) – 5 digits

(ii) 3–5 years (except 3 years of age of 3) – 10 digits

(iii) 5 years, more – 15 marks

6. Gray Hounds, Special Intelligence Branch, Octopus, CI Sale, District Special Party/ANS, broken periods are added to calculate the total work done at terrorist affected police stations. Points are for those who have won medals.

(1) Ashok Chakra for each medal – 25 marks

(ii) Karthi cycle for each medal – 20 digits

(Iii) PPMG/ PMG – 15 points for each medal

(Iv) Chief Minister Shaurya Medal for Each Medal – 10 points

7. The areas arising in each region will be replaced with the reserve sub-inspector of police (AR/ SARCCPL/ APSP) of the zone.

8. Due to the lack of eligible local candidates and then empty vacancies will be replaced with local people and other RSI (AR/ SarccPl/ APSP) working in Deputies. They are local and subject to seniority. The standard of RSIS (AR/ SARCPL/ APSP) is based on the total marks obtained by the candidate till 1 July. It should be calculated as follows:

I. Service period: Physical service is 1 digit in the form of RSIS (Ar/ SarccPl/ APSP) every year.

Ii. Ability

A) Points for 5 years ACRS before the selected year. If there are more than one ACR in a year, the ACR will be considered for a long time. (If two or more ACR in a year is available for the same period, better grading is considered ACR).

If one or more ACR is not available in the last 5 years, then the same number of ACR is counted in previous years. The best ACR grade has been given 5 marks. 4 digits for very good ACR grade. Good ACR grade 3 digits are given. 2 digits for satisfactory ACR grade.

B) Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Shaurya Medal and all other types of valor medals have 10 points.

C) Andhra Pradesh Police Service Medal, Andhra Pradesh Police Service Service, Andhra Pradesh Police Best Service Medal, Andhra Pradesh Police Assistance Service Medal and all other types of medals are 5 marks.

D) Each DGP is given 2 digits for praise.

Iii. If the marks available for two or more candidates are the same, the service period in the rank of RSI (AR/ SARCPL/ APSP) will be considered. Priority to candidates provided by more service. If the service duration is also the same, the candidate will consider the dates of birth and prioritize adults at age.

Iv. If these standard eligible eligible are due to lack of local candidates, non -subversion areas will be included in vacancies for direct recruitment for Steepandory Cadet Trainee Sub Inspector (Civil).

3. The Chairman of Andhra Pradesh State Level Police Recruitment Board prepares guidelines for selection standards. The selection process for appointment by commendable work transfer is part of the final look. If there is any tension in the selection, the chairman of the Andhra Pradesh State Level Police Recruitment Board said that the final decision was the final decision.

Reporting: Jagdiswara Rao Jarajapu, Hindustan Times Telugu

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