Brahmudi February 19th episode: Rudrani planned to complete the property

Brahmudi February 19th episode: Rudrani planned to complete the property

Brahma Mudi wants to send Rudrani property. I have stopped whether this is not the word. Do not want to donate Sitaramaiah says he will go out. Rudrani Sitaramah takes on the feet of ego.

will not get Fooled Again

I am sorry for me. Everything is upset by me till now. I believe this is my mouth. Now we will be. Rudrani said that my code and its birth is to be born at home. I wish I don’t have to worry for me. Like I am going out. Only you say. I will be at home with my younger sister. Grandpa is acting. will not get Fooled Again.

Nanna is all together. If we are on you, we will see. From now on, what happens at home, has nothing to do with it. Rudrani is once called a chance. Another birth to lift you to another. The dream is that it is crying. Sister. If we are happy then you will be with a child. Kavya says that you should be with your husband.

However, Rahul was put and sent to the aunt. If not aunt, Rahul is intelligent. Our elder sister was disappointed by grandparents. Rudrani’s mistake is distinguished by the father. The child is inappropriate. After that, Kavya says that the decision is your grandfather. The granddaughter says that too is true. Sitaramaiah says that you are Nuvemantava.

Final warning to Rudrani

Rudrani is still on the spot. Engradevi asks if there is any conflict once again. Rudrani says that the dead snake is not killed again. Sapna says that Palm does not kill her. Rudrani’s father gave me good ideas and helped me. This is the last chance. Sitaramaiah gave the final warning to Rudrani to be careful. Indira Devi also warns to be careful.

Then everyone wants to get me out of the house. Rudrani is angry that you will not leave you. Rahul comes and stops. Grandfather -Dadi is happy to give a chance. Nedapatti Gents. Rahul says that we miss the bus. Just remembered me in my hand. Rudrani says that the moment I entered the house instead of the cemetery.

And why do you keep the feet so clarity. Rahul says that I know how embarrassing I am. Rudrani says that this is necessary. Grandpa says that your daddy is very great. Rahul says that you have a story. Meanwhile, the dream came and yes there was not a great history. I think your daddy has not got a single facility. Dream sets that everything is like compared to your mother.

I will get in my name

Then you will take your feet like your mother. Mother is not a revenge but a love that goes to love. And now our plan is aunt. But now, Rudrani says that the property will be brought in my name. On the other hand, Raj and Kavya talk to Kalyan that he is very happy to come.

The loan listens to those words. I think I do not want to come until I get completely organized. But Kalyan says that my father came and called himself. Come and do good work. Otherwise, you are the reason for coming. Kalyan says that whatever happens in the house is you. Kavya and debt will be surprised. Kalyan says that he will praise the goddess after making the first allegation.

Raj says that he imposed debt and imposed debt and looked better than me. Meanwhile, it is Raj Lakshmi to say that everyone should be uplifted. Kavya says that he is working as a lyricist. If someone works, he becomes a slave but cannot be a king. The name is to be meaning in Rajla paper. Grain Lakshmi says that written papers are not overwhelmed.

Angry loan

I am happy to win and win before winning. And if I want to uplift the marriage, then it will have to be said that what is not going to happen. The loan takes annoying. Kalyan is suffering. Definitely. Raj takes Kalyan about whether he knows Pinny. Kavya sees the debt. The debt again sits alone and cries. Kalyan is a mother slave and crying.

Meanwhile, Kavya comes. Kavya says that the girl is in trouble in the backbone. Let me be alone for a while. Trys to woo Kavya. If Kalyan is also in good condition, then the aunt will be happy with me. The problem is enough to do this. Must condemn the mistake. Kavya says that the poet should be punished with the possibility.

Debt can be understood. Laxmikant, Lyric Author, has been air -conditioned to not write his efforts for three years. If yes, Kavya says that welfare will try. Understanding sister. And the author Lakshmi Gruv is a loan. Kavya says that it does not handle. This is a sympathy on the talent of neighboring talent.

Samanta killed Anamika

However, Kalyan should not know that doing so. Otherwise, Kavya says he would not agree. The snake should not break and I will take care of the debt. Kavya thinks that the writer’s debt has exploded into the writer’s hands. On the other hand, Anamika cheeks cracks. Why does Kottavu shout ring finger. Kill You are doing something that you are planning to do. But, in my house, Raj Gadu came and caught my collar and hit him.

Customers missed in front of you to turn around you. Samanta says that my life has gone. This is an anonymous which is not the life of both. How do you think he will be with you? The company says that the company will come in my name. Samantha says where he did. Like that Raj family, you are underestimating me.

No, I understand it now. I have spent quotes to believe you. The money has gone but you said that nothing happened. Anamika says that I can bear me but cannot tolerate insult. The feudal again stops with its hand as a shutup. You are a failure person. Unnecessarily believed you and shook hands. I have ruined your life. If you shut your mouth, the feudal will leave.

Two calculations float

I am insulting Anamika thinks that your calculation will swim all the calculations of the royal family. On the other hand, fruits and sweets adjust Kavya. Raj asks what it is. All this is not eating in the booth bungalow here. I think you have no place with the booth bungalow. I have to be monthly. Kavya says that Papako Babuko should be given birth.

The next day, Kalyan says that he has an opportunity to write all songs in a film. Everything is rejected and celebrated. But, the house has been dark. Anamika calls Rudrani that Lanka will be burnt this time. On the other hand, there is a call that a king burn the factory. On the other hand, petrol is inserted. The secret goes away. Today’s Brahma serial episode ends.

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