NNS episode of February 19: Amar entered the house.

NNS episode of February 19: Amar entered the house.

NNS Episode of February 19: G Telugu serial Foreign Savasam Today (19 February) Let’s see what happened today. Swamiji’s word Arundhati’s soul has gone into the human body and she will find herself. In the temple, the immortal family is completely associated with Anamika.

In a beautiful

Swamiji, who brought Swamiji to find out if there was an Arundhati soul in the house, knows the incredible truth. Manohari tells her that the spirit of Arundhati has already gone into the human body and she is coming to find her and she is not doing anything, but to lead it.

Swamiji goes to tell her that she will remind her of the past, especially when she touches her talisman. Hearing this, the beautiful collapse. Shiver with fear. She begins to worry about who is the man who comes to find him.

Anamika, who is with the immortal family

Anamika, who accidentally joined the Amar family, who went to the temple on the occasion of Shivaratri, later consecrated her together and joined the family. The family then helps the family to catch the statue of God. The immortal family feels that God will send him to his family.

Anamika for Amar’s house

Anamika goes directly from temple to immortal. He is one of his family in the hut .. Everyone takes him to his home. The beautiful benami blows on the car. In his eyes, the feeling of seeing Arundhati. Swamiji has come to mind and is more frightened.

Anamika comes directly for love. Anju introduced him to Manohari, who is surprised by him. He is an anonymous and is introduced to Anamika as our beautiful aunt. When the hand is with him, the attractive is more trembling. The spirit of Arundhati has threatened her.

After that everyone goes together. Anamika also goes to enter Amar’s house. When the door of the house touches, the ring finger stops in the past. Will Arundhati in Anamika remember the past? Does she miss her love and rest? If you want to see the 494th episode of four hundred years of broadcast on Wednesday (19 February).

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