AP Government Teachers: Exercise transfer on teachers – Seniority list delayed …!
Officials say there is a possibility of government teachers and promotion during summer holidays. Meanwhile, the State School Education Department has directed the officials of the Education Department of the Education Department of the State School to prepare the seniority list of teachers. As part of it, officials of the Education Department of all districts are working in a teaching seniority list.
Mistakes for light…!
State Education Minister Nara Lokesh recently instructed the authorities to prepare a seniority list without any criticism. Teachers and publicity should be held in dispute. However, within three days of his order, some districts have seen the teaching of the teacher seniority list. Education department officials have been accused in the respective districts…. They were engaged in the process of making it.
Integration of teachers’ information system (TIS) is being collected by the Education Department in all districts. Based on this, the Education Department is in the process of preparing a seniority list of cadres by DSC appointments. However, some details in the list are in the details of teachers. Seniority list of teachers has emerged in various districts including Chittoor, Anantpur and Nandya. This has delayed the list.
The District Education Department will always have to raise the issue with zonal education officers and officials of the District Sub Education Department. However, there is no response from some areas … this has delayed the list of seniority.
These are the reasons …!
There are many reasons for delay in seniority list. Teachers do not send integral details. There are also some details of the fact that new districts, new districts name, recruitment date, farm dates, school assistants and principals.
The Education Department of the District Education Department has issued orders to suggest the general date for the dates of recruitment dates for DSC. Teachers were ordered to re -explain the details of the Teacher Information System (TIS). The final seniority list will be prepared in the office of the District Education Department after the Zonal Education Department approvals the seniority list of TIS. The list is due to the delay because there is no complete details from the zone.
There are 1.80 lakh teachers in 44,000 government schools in the state. However, in the state, the Badi of teachers has stayed for months. The teaching of the past government has been canceled as the alliance has come to power. It has also stopped the past. Since then, the teachers have been waiting for Badlis. However, in the context of many obstacles, the badlis are temporarily postponed.
Reporting: Jagdiswara Rao Jarajapu, Hindustan Times Telugu.