Gunday Ninda Gudi Gantatu: Meena’s shop Shruti opened on hands

Gunday Ninda Gudi Gantatu: Meena’s shop Shruti opened on hands

Gunday Ninda Gudi Gantatu: Boy is unable to treat a family with Meena’s family. Meena flower flower. He opens the shop by Shruti. The boy says that Shruti is the reason for the idea of ​​putting a flower shop. The boy covered Meena’s hands to the ribbon cut. He says that he is giving two thousand five hundred for the shop O penning.

Meena hesitates to dub Shruti. When you give it to you… then you should also give the boy. Shruti is a dub. But Shruti is angry with Meena’s hand because the truth is not taken.

With jealousy and hatred …

Shruti seems to have opened a boy’s shop in vengeance to give Meena Meena for two finger for washing. Anger is angry, knowing that I can give you more dubbing than you.

Ravi says that the boy did this with jealousy and hatred. He misunderstood that the boy could not see her closer with Meena. Ravi’s speech wife. The boy claims to be good. Shruti is involved in the shop case with Ravi. The boy challenges the universe.

Prabhupada Spills …

This is an insult to the boys’ flower shop in his name. The husband tells the husband that everyone thinks that it is a flower shop. Prabhavati’s anger will double as the kangars have called with Kamakshi and relatives. The truth is that Meena’s flower explosion is telling her friends. The floral shop is at Meena’s house. The plan is to close the shop anyway.

Gift to boy …

Meena Fida will be for a good man of the boy. Celebrates by looking at sorrow and excitement of Mansu. If you are next to me, you tell the boy that he seems able to achieve anything. Meena says that I will give you a gift to raise you on me.

The boy is expecting the wife what Bahmati gives. Meena gives a rose flower gift to the boy. Meena’s rose flower sees the boy? what happened after that? If you know what Prabhavati did to close Meena’s shop, the hearts of huts should be seen on Monday.

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