The student who worked as a swiggy delivery boy and paid college fees! 8.4 km for driving 23

The student who worked as a swiggy delivery boy and paid college fees! 8.4 km for driving 23

The post, which was said to have been working as a swigy delivery agent overnight, was working to pay his college fees and went viral. He explained that he was studying computer science, German and BA (Hons) psychology.

“I only wanted to work to earn a little pocket money in the beginning. But then I continue to work to pay my college fees, ”he said in his post.

In the Reddit Post, he asked users about his experiences when he asked-hosting your mentor session. He asked about the best and worst experiences while working in Swiggy.

How much did Swiggy delivery executive earn?

As a swigy delivery agent, Rs. 6,000 to Rs. He said that he was earning up to 8,000. He shared his income for a special period during his work. Between 17-23 February, for 4 hours and 46 minutes. 722, February 10-16 for 10 hours of Rs. He explained that he had earned 1,990.

Week of 3 February, 19.5 hours of work. Earned 3,117. He earned more than Rs 7,200 in the week of 27 January. He also said that he was spending about 100-150 rupees per day. He said that ratings can help rating rapid ordering and getting better wages.

8.4 km in 28 minutes. Rupee. 23 earned, of which Rs. He told that there are 10 ‘travel pay’, as well as 13 rupees ‘Serge Bonus’.

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