Arku Coffee: Arku to Europe .. Our tribal farmers are crossing borders with coffee biological certification!
Ark coffee has received biological certification. This is going to be very good for tribal farmers. Organic certification had the opportunity to export Araku coffee to Europe. This will benefit about 2600 farmers. The demand for original extract coffee is so demanding .. Certification for logic is what it is.
Tribal farmers are planted using organic fertilizers. It is more tasty and healthy due to natural methods without the use of chemical drugs. These coffee gardens grow between silver oak and black pepper trees at an altitude of 3600 feet above sea level. This unique atmosphere causes a unique taste and fragrance for coffee beans. Arabica type coffee is applied in extracts. This type of coffee is internationally recognized.
UN praise ..
Ark coffee is internationally recognized. It has also received several awards for its taste and quality. Tribal farmers are playing an important role in coffee cultivation. Coffee is very tasty due to their labor and expertise. In the past, the representatives of the United Nations have praised coffee in the Arku Valley for a good perfume. ICASA representatives have praised the important role of Arku women in bringing economic social revolution through coffee cultivation. Acu coffee is famous for its taste with special fragrant properties.
Organic Identification Benefits.
Organic certification is well known in the international market for Araku coffee. Biological certification will increase the chances of exporting coffee to countries like Europe and America. Organic coffee is higher than normal coffee. This increases the income of tribal farmers. Organic coffee does not contain chemical fertilizers and pesticides. So it is good for health. Organic agriculture does not harm the environment. It reduces soil, water and air pollution. Biological coffee cultivation contributes to the economic development of tribal farmers.
Benefits of Arku Coffee
The extract is rich in coffee antioxidants. They fight free radicals in the body. Drinking coffee is active in the brain. This increases memory. Drinking this coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Drinking coffee reduces the risk of heart disease. Coffee contains caffeine. It increases energy, reduces fatigue. The recognition of Arku coffee organic has many benefits to tribal farmers, environment and consumers.