TGSRTC Da: Good news for Telangana RTC employees .. DA announced the government .. full details
The government has given good news to Telangana RTC employees. Discussion with ownership .. 2.5 % da for RTC employees. Transport and BC Welfare Minister Ponam Prabhakar has revealed the details. Minister Ponam Prabhakar said that 2.5 percent da will put a burden of Rs 3.6 crore every month.
Working continuously ..
“After the launch of the Mahalakshmi Yojana, 150 crore women have traveled for free. Women have received a journey of about 5000 crores for free. After the launch of Mahalakshmi scheme, the number of women passengers has increased to 14 lakhs every day. This has increased pressure on employees.
To women empowerment.
“The state government is moving towards women empowerment. In addition to women passengers, there has been an increase in demand for RTC buses. Buses with women integration associations .. We will put on the basis of rent in RTC. Women wanted to earn income. RTC buses on the basis of bus fare with women associations for the first time in the country.
By women power.
“The state government is aiming to make millions of women with millions of women. On the occasion of Women’s Day, Indira will be given a total of 600 buses to women integration societies through the power of women. “We will launch 150 buses in the first phase on 8 March,” said Ponam Prabhakar.
Income for women ..
“Indira Women Energy Buses will be provided to joint groups of 150 areas in the first phase. Under this pilot project, we have selected joint districts of Warangal, Khammam, Karimanagar and Mahabubnagar. Buses purchased by the integration of Mandla women are run by RTC. These will provide revenue for women .. Passengers will get relief, ”Ponam explained.