8th Pay Commission: Will the number of allocation for central government employees be reduced?
Along with DA Hike, the central government employees are now eyeing the 8th Pay Commission. In January 2025, the Center announced the formation of 8th wage committee to review the salaries of employees and pension of pensioners. This committee is likely to provide its recommendations to the government in the early days of next year. Some reports were revealed between them. According to reports, some permission for employees is likely to decrease.
8th Veg Association- What will allow?
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government is expected to announce the name of two members with the chairman of the 8th Pay Commission. These members report on wages, allocation and pension of employees.
Since the announcement of the 8th wage committee, there has been speculation on the pension and pension of the employees. The wage committee, however, is not limited to salary and pension. It also reviews the 8th Pay Commission Aloevance and other matters.
It is in this background that the 8th wage committee is now in the process of reducing the number of allovens. They say that this happened during the 7th Pay Commission.
What happened to the 7th Pay Commission?
The 7th Pay Commission reviewed the 196 allways and approved only 95 of them. This means rejecting 101 allovens. Some of these have been completely canceled. Another permission was given. Not even some reports.
Keeping these in mind, reports states that the 8th wage committee is also likely to remove some old and non -influential allevs. It also states that some more aspects of permission are likely to be added.
In the context of salary, the 7th wage commission has recommended that the salary of central government employees with 2.57 feet. As a result, the minimum wage of employees is Rs. 18 finger and maximum salary Rs. 2,25,000. The 8th Pay Commission will have to see what changes will be made in the context of salary.
Good news for employees soon ..!
In the case of Dear Ness Alevance and Dear Ness Relief, central government employees are likely to get good news soon. It has been reported that the Center will announce the DA Hike before the 2025 Holi approach. There are hopes that DA will increase by 2 percent this time. Click here for full details.