Low credit score: Is the credit score low if not taking the original loan? The reasons are ..

Low credit score: Is the credit score low if not taking the original loan? The reasons are ..

Credit score is important for taking any loan! To decide whether to get a low interest loan or whether the original loan is eligible, look for a credit score to decide. However, in some cases .. the credit score is low, even if it is not taken at the original. Reasons for this ..

Due to low credit score without loan.

1. Lack of debt history: If you have never taken a loan or credit card, there is no data to assess your credit score in the credit bureau such as Krif High Mark. It can be common among students or always pay cash or debit cards.

2. Passive credit card: If you have never used it, even though you have a credit card, the Credit Bureau cannot assess how you manage credit. In this case you have no credit history.

3. Credit inquiry: If you apply on the credit card and reject it, it will appear in your report. Will reduce your score for temporary.

4. Low credit age: Credit score algorithms prefer old credit history. As a result, if your first credit product is recently, your score will be lower.

5. Mistakes in a credit report: There may be cases where you have parana the wrong information such as another person in a loan or late payment in his report.

6. Credit mixture: Credit Bureau prefer credit cards and personal loans. Just a kind of credit is less than your score.

7. High QR: If you have a credit card and uses more than 30 percent of your limit, your score will fall, even if you pay the bill on time.

8. Joint account: If you are signing someone else’s loan or guarantee, if they are default, your credit score will be damaged.

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