Hyderabad: My duty to give you what you asked .. CM interesting comments
Konda Laxman Bapuji, who has sacrificed his position for the achievement of Telangana state, is ideal for everyone .. Chief Minister Revant Reddy said. Konda Laxman Bapuji, a person who built his house for the Telangana movement. The Padmashali Society has not forgotten the incident that has not paid tribute to the previous government if such a person dies.
Bapuji’s name for medical college ..
“Another person in the Telangana movement is Tiger Elle Narendra. If Elle is made by Narendra Congress Party Minister .. then Dhritarashtra remembering the occasion of KCR Ayan with his neck. Our government’s policy is to do justice to the Padmashali brothers. Speaking to the Center, the Indian Institute of handloom technology has not been established. We are announced that Konda Laxman Bapuji will be nominated for Asifabad Medical College.
Help you ..
“We are giving 1 crore sarees of Rs 600 crore to women’s self -hallaps groups. My job is to give you what you asked. I have no idea of serving this society that blessed me. If you put me in the heart .. then like a member of your family. According to Rahul Gandhi, the state has operated caste and counted weaker sections. Those who do not like it are saying that the calculation is wrong, “Rethinking was angry.
The conspiracy should be reversed ..
“If the resolution in the assembly on casteism .. BRS and BJP calculations say that Modi is hanging on the neck like a knife. There is a conspiracy to cross the rights of weaker sections. If the KCR calculation is 21 percent of the upper castes. The BCS is a conspiracy of a bud at 42 percent of the BCS.
The role of Padmasalai is important.
“Padmasal is playing an important role in the elections of other states. We will help in building a Markandeya building to stop the self -proclaimed self -proclaimed Padmashali in Sholpur. This government will support you in terms of economic, political, employment and employment. The government is ready to make active decisions for you. This platform assures that you will be your brother and support your self -support, ”said the Reventure.