TG Group1 Results: Telangana Group 1 Results released today, interview list after receiving objections

TG Group1 Results: Telangana Group 1 Results released today, interview list after receiving objections

TG Group1 Results: The good news of the Public Service Commission tells the candidates who are waiting for Group 1 exam in Telangana. The Commission has made arrangements to release Group -1 results on Monday. TGPSC will release details of marks obtained in major examinations conducted by 563 Group -1 posts in Telangana. The general ranking of group 2 examinations will be released on March 14, TGPSC has announced that it will release the general ranking of Group 3 examinations on Tuesday.

The results of Group 1 will be revealed today as part of employment in Telangana. Then recurrence options will be obtained from the candidates. The list of those who qualify for the interview in 1: 2 ratio is revealed and after the verification ends. The details of the marks obtained by the candidates will be made available on the TGPSC website. After the formation of the Telangana state, the unemployed are eagerly waiting for the first group -1 appointments.

The Commission was expected to release the results of the main examinations conducted for replacement of 563 Group -1 posts in Telangana in February. The evaluation of Group 1 Mains Examination has already expired. The Public Service Commission is finalizing the merit list in 1: 2 ratio based on the marks received by the candidates participating in Group 1 Exam.

21,093 people appeared in the Telangana Group -1 major examinations. There are 38 candidates competing for each post. After the completion of Group 1 appointments, the Commission is arranging to disclose the results of Group -2 and then Group -3 examinations. It has been decided that if the jobs are being converted into priority then there will be no backlog.

Possibility of again …

The details of the marks obtained by the candidates in Group -1 major examinations will be released on the Commission’s website. Subjeen -wise marks are made available in the individual logs of the candidates. If there is doubt about the counting of scars, the option will be added to the merit list. Within 15 days of the release of merit list in the ratio of 1: 2, candidates got Rs. You can apply for repetition by paying a thousand.

The Group -1 Mains exam was held from 21 October to 27 October last year. 21,151 (67.3 percent) participated. They are also waiting for the results. If the general ranking list is released … then the line for replacement of group 1 jobs is almost clearing.

Group 2 and 3 basic keys have already been released. The process of receiving objections is also over. TGPSC is also in the process of preparing the general ranking list. Overall, the major group 1 and 2,3 results are expected to be released by March.

Group 1 Mains Examination was attended by 21,093 candidates in a total of seven letters. The examinations ended on 27th from October 21 last year. A total of 31,403 students were eligible for the Group -1 Mains Examination conducted for replacement of a total of 563 posts. Of these, there are 20 sports category candidates, who participated in the examination with the permission of the High Court.

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