TGPSC Group 2 Results: Top -10 ranker in Telangana Group -2 results, general ranking list on commission website

TGPSC Group 2 Results: Top -10 ranker in Telangana Group -2 results, general ranking list on commission website

TGSC Group 2 Results: Telangana Public Service Commission Group -2 has released the results. Many candidates have been in Group -2 results. In a total of 600 points, a candidate named Naru Venkat Harshvardhan won the first rank with 447.088 marks. Vadlakonda Sachin was second and B. Manohar Rao was third. The results of Group -2 Mains exams are coming in the top -31 rank boys.

Group -2 First Ranker Harshvardhan Grihanagar Suryet District Kodada. His father Ramna Reddy is the principal of KRR Government College. Harshvardhan studied in Tadpaligudem in Inter and Engineering from 8th from Vijayawada, up to seventh grade in Khammam.

In December last year, TGPSC conducted the main examination for 783 Group -2 posts. The results were released on Tuesday afternoon.

Group -2 Result Top -10 ranker, points

1. Naru Venkat Harshvardhan- 447.088 points

2. Vadlakonda Sachin -444.754 points

3. B. Manohar Rao – 439.344 points

4. Shriram Madhu -438.972 points

5. Chintapalli Pritam Reddy -431.102 Marx

6. Era Akhil -430.807 points

7. Dodeti Ashok -425.842 Points

8. Chaimla Rajasekhar – 423.933 points

9. Mekla Upendra -423.119 Points

10. Taxing Naresh -422.989 points

  • Group -2 posts were tested on 15 and 16 December last year.
  • Total candidates who have applied- 5,51,855
  • Total candidates participating in four papers -2,49,964
  • Number of valid candidates – 13,315
  • Number of candidates for General Ranking List- 2,36,649

General ranking list on commission’s website

TGPSC has decided to provide Group -2 exam master questionnaire and general ranking list and final key. These are available on the website from 11/03/2025 to 09/04/2025. Candidates can download the OMR sheet from the individual login with their TGPSC ID, hall ticket number and date of birth registered mobile number. There is no chance of further objections for the final key.

Based on the general ranking list, the number of candidates will be taken for certificate verification. Such candidates are also informed personally and through the TGPSC website. TGPSC has advised candidates to keep all the original certificates ready for certificate verification. Candidates can contact helpdesk phone numbers: 040-23542185 or 040-23542187 or

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