AP Fee Outstand: Minister Nara Lokesh promises to pay the outstanding amount to colleges
AP Fee Outstanding: Graduate MLC has attracted its attention that some college students are pressurizing students to pay a fee reimbursement dues in AP, Minister Nara Lokesh said.
As part of the dialogue held by me with private colleges, owners of private colleges have agreed to pay Rs 4271 crore for the outstanding amount of Rs 4271 crore.
The policy of the previous government has been changed and the fee is now being paid directly to the colleges. The remaining fee outstanding will be paid very soon for this academic year. If the ownership of any college is pressurized by the students, the parents will take action against those who are pressurizing them to bring them directly to their attention. The public government aims to target parents and students without any pressure.
YCP ..
The YCP has dominated the fee reimbursement .. Now they are picketing. The YCP members emphasized on postponing the issue of employment generation, unemployment and fee reimbursement in the Legislative Council.
The YCP members blocked the questionnaire as the council president rejected the adjournment motion. Minister Nara Lokesh responded to this.
He said that the government is ready to discuss the fee reimbursement arrears, jobs and employment.
It is strange to name youth as a fight as a fight. The YCP is not clear what the matter is fighting. Fees of fee reimbursement reimbursement.
The fee of Rs 4,271 crore is to respond to why the current fee will be increased. Preparation for a debate on this. Let us discuss all aspects of small discussion. During the YCP rule, how many jobs are lost. The chairman of the Council postponed the House for ten minutes in protest against the members of the YCP.