Brahmudi episode on 13 March: Kavya who sees Raj .. Ram who was admitted to Kalavati Hospital .. Rahul as a householder!

Brahmudi episode on 13 March: Kavya who sees Raj .. Ram who was admitted to Kalavati Hospital .. Rahul as a householder!

Brahma Mudi serial Today episode Rudrani says that look at the truth instead of poetry. Aparna leaves crying. Now you are happy. If mother is crying and mother is crying, you can vulture. It is better to kill people better than this. Man is born. Because Chi .. Indirect.

I am a good mother

Prakasam has said that you will not change. Everyone goes away. You are doing useless things. Even if you have humanity somewhere. Every time this is wrong. It is better to die than living. Unnecessarily slaps with a grandmother. Rahul says that he can be silent. Feeling that he was slapping. Rudrani says that they are not in our dictionary.

I can look like a bad thing for them. But, I am a good mother. My son is a laborer who works for the Golden Path. God separated Raj and removed his obstacle. There was a great opportunity to make you a home successor. Rudrani says that it will not leave it. On the other hand, Yamini and parents are talking about Raju’s memory. Yamini’s father says that if it is a past, he feels like a construction to remember that it is in the past.

Yamini means that you are very angry .. Father says regret. Really remembering the past, he will not let me enter life. Just pretend to remember the past. Yami says that it does not take long to work as Ram. You can do anything but cannot play with men. They cannot play with their feelings. Can’t believe blue. The father says that he does not invite me.

Drug addiction

The college did the same in days. It did not hear it. Got addicted to drugs. Now bring a big problem and keep it at home. To separate the goodness and comfort of the other. The father says that Raj is not seen by his wife, parents and family, which is broken. I want secrets. How far do I go for this. How many problems I have. The righteous words you say are unnecessary. Yamini goes to me that I do not care if someone except Raj.

On the other hand, Kavya cooks for everyone. Rudrani says that Kavya also does not see the ant. Rahul suspects that if Kavya is true, it is true. Ray Raj does not return. Do not come. If yes, Rudrani says that you will be the successor of the house. I hope too. But, a little sad. We grew up together from a young age. Rahul says that Raj is not alone in the House.

Kavya asks everyone to come. Whether Rudrani is associated with his feelings or not .. Now mother. Beat. Rahul says why take Prakash again. Kavya calls everyone again. we are not hungry. Inderadevi says you eat. Why do you lie Rudrani says that Raj does not come back, so tell me that it is not eaten.


Grandma did not know what to say. Rahul says why this is all. Do you believe that Rudrani says. but I know. He is alive somewhere. When we come into the consciousness of repo mapo, we are told. Bring from the hospital. Choose from your mind that it is not original. You know. Then you will suffer yourself. Kavya says that we are worried that there is no man who is still alive.

Everyone is watching me. I’m fine. Shouldn’t it be good? If he returns, he should not return. delight. You have to say that your trust is true. Kavaya calls you not for me and for her to have lunch. Wake up with it. Subhash means lunch .. Prakasam says that something is blocked. Subhash says that this is sad.

Aparna says that he will not come. I will definitely have anything with confidence. Kavya holds the hand and holds. On the other hand, Raj Yamini had lunch with him. Yamini’s father says that the new place of Mausi Ram is Sona. It seems to cover Yami. Forget the past. Vaidahi says that the intention is to be new. Fish curry, sambar, chicken I liked Bawa for you. Yami says that when the meal I have eaten, you should remember the whole past.

Vaidhi lie

I don’t remember all this. I remember me and did for me. Raj says so much thanks. You do not have to suffer to forget the past. I am not If we all lost our beloved person, if we are next to us. Yami says that everything is lost, in that love. Mother also plays the drama.

It is said that Yamini revolves around Raje. The father says that he is obedient about you. But not all of them. Yami says that my love is also shameful. There is no such thing. I was like a child of a birth. Everything is like an empty. Raj says that it seems in the dark. Yamini is asked to close the lights. A small candle light.

As you feel alone in darkness. When will you be with you? Yamini holds my hand and gives me to walk together. Raj is confused by Yamini for some time. Raj says that thanks Yamini. Still tell a lot. But, Yami says that I hope three magical words are not coming. Then tell you when you remember. Yami says that I will wait.

Tear tears

Yamini will later turn on the lights. On the other hand, all food in Duggira’s house sits for lunch. If Kavya also serves Kavya .. then Bawa has not come yet. The habit is considered wrong. Well, Kavya says that I am wearing it. Kavya food for all. Everything is sad to see Kavya. Subhash asks him to eat. Aparna is crying. You have no self -sufficiency. Aparna is crying without eating that I do not believe.

Inideradevi Kavya forgive me, and goes on. Then everything happens. Kavya means that it is a father -in -in -law .. Subhash also leaves me. Welfare also leaves. Kavya then sees Raj on the road on the road. Raj car chased to stop the car. Kavya faints when the secret is coming. Raj joins Kavya in the hospital. Today’s Brahma serial episode ends.

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