Special trains: Special trains on Vijayawada – Janmabhoomi Express Train Diversion
The Walthar Division has launched special trains through Vijayawada to reduce passenger traffic and provide a comfortable journey. Trains will run from Visakhapatnam to Vijayawada … On the other hand, Visakhapatnam-Lingapalli has diverted the Janmabhumi Express, which is organized by mid-arrival.
Special trains between Visakha and Charpalli:
1. Visakhapatnam – CharPalli Special Train (08579) will be available on 16 March. The train will leave Shamakpatnam at 6.20 pm and reach Duwara at 6.48 pm. From there, departing at 6.50 pm .. The next day will reach Charpalli at 8 am.
2. Charpalli – Visakhapatnam Special Train (08580) will be available on 17 March. The train will leave Charlapally at 10 am and reach Duwara at 9.30 pm. From there it will leave at 9.32 pm and reach Visakhapatnam at 10 pm.
Two trains Visakhapatnam -Rahapalli Central Duvwada, Anakapalli, Elmanchili, Tuni, Anavaram, Sumalakota, Rajhmundri, Nidadavolu, Tadpalligudim, Eluru, Vijayawada, Guntur, Naddrakal, second AC -2, third AC -2, third AC -4, Sleeper Class -1111, 5 in these two trains and second class -5 and second class -5 trains in these two trains, in two trains. The goods include Diviangjan Coach -2.
3. Charpalli-Naharlagun Holi Special Train (07046) will be available on March 15, 22 and 29. The train will leave Charpalli at 8.40 am on Saturday. Duvvada will reach 9.13 PM and leave at 9.15 pm. Putihawalas will arrive at 9.58 am and leave there at 10 pm. Naharlagun will arrive at 4 pm on Monday.
4. The Naharlagun-Parti Special Train (07047) will be available on 18 March 25, 1 April. The train will leave Naharlagun at 1 pm on Tuesday afternoon. They will arrive at 6.20 am on Thursday and will depart from there at 6.22 am. Duvvada will arrive at 8.15 am and leave at 8.17 am. It will reach Charpalli at 21.30 pm.
Two trains are Charlallpalli-Nahargun Central Nalgonda, Mariyalaguda, Nadikudi, Satenapalli, Guntur, Vijayawada, Eluru, Rajmundri, Elmanchili, Anakapalli, Duvawada, Vijayanagaram, Vijayanagaram. The trains include the second AC -1, third AC -5, sleeper class coach -10, second class goods/ Divyangjan -1 and Motor Car -10 coaches.
5. Visakhapatnam – Shalimar Special Express (08577) train will be available on 16 March. The train will leave Visakhapatnam at 11:20 am on Tuesday and reach Vijayanagaram at 12:08 am. From there it will leave at 12:10 pm and reached Srikakulam Road at 1:08 pm and departed at 1:10 pm. The next day (Wednesday) will arrive at Shalimar at 3 pm.
6. Shalimar – Visakhapatnam Special Express (08578) train will be available on March 17. The train will leave from Shalimar at 5 am on Wednesday and reach Srikakulam Road at 6:10 pm. From there it will leave at 6:12 pm and will reach Vijayanagaram at 7:03 pm. From there, he will leave at 7:05 pm and reach Visakhapatnam at 8:50 pm.
Both trains will stop at Visakhapatnam-Shalimar Madhyachalam, Putihawalasa, Vijayanagaram, Chipurupalli, Srikakulam Road and Palasa stations. The trains include the second AC -2, third AC -4, Sleeper -9, General Second Class -4, Second Class coach/ Divyangjan Coach -2.
7. Visakhapatnam – Patna Holi Special Train (08537) will be available on 16 March, 23 and 30 March. The train will leave Visakhapatnam at 7.30 pm on Sunday and reach Patna at 11.00 pm the next day.
8. Patna – Visakhapatnam Holi Special Train (08538) will be available on March 17, 24 and 31. The train will leave for Patna at 10.30 am on Monday and reach Visakhapatnam at 3.50 am on Wednesday.
Both trains will stop at Visakhapatnam-Patna Central Vijayanagaram, Bobli, Parvatipuram and Raigada stations. These two trains include the second AC -3, third AC Economy -4, Sleeper Class -7, General Class -4, Second Class Less Loans/ Divyangjan Coach -1 and generator motor car -1 coach.
Janmabhoomi Express turn:
The Walthar Division has decided to replace the Janmabhumi Express on a permanent basis at Charpal-Amgura-Sathi Nagar on a permanent basis. Both trains were removed in Secunderabad and Begumpta. People have been asked to inspect changes and determine the journey accordingly.
From April 25, Visakhapatnam-Lingapalli Janmabhumi Express (12805) will leave Visakhapatnam at 6.20 am. Charpalli reaches 6.05 am. It will leave at 6.10 pm and reach Lingampali at 7.40 pm.
Lingampalli-Vizakhapatnam Janmabhumi Express (12806) will leave Lingampali at 6.15 am on April 26. At 7.15 am, they will reach Charlapalli. From there, at 7.20 am… Visakhapatnam will arrive at 7.45 am.
Reporting: Jagdiswara Rao Jarajapu, Hindustan Times Telugu.