Sudek Konanki: Telugu girl disappears in Dominican Republic, Kadapa residents settled in America

Sudek Konanki: Telugu girl disappears in Dominican Republic, Kadapa residents settled in America

Sudek Konanki: The disappearance of a Telugu student in America has disappeared in the Dominican country. On March 3, the perspective of Sudihik, with five girlfriends, went to the Panta area on the Caribbean coast on 6 March. This has led to agitation between family members and resident Telugu families.

The angle of the Telugu family settled at Washington DC disappeared on 6 March under suspicious circumstances. On 3 May, the college went to visit the Republic of Domonican with a girlfriend on 3 May. On May 6 at 4 am, he went to the beach behind the hotel. Two girls and two other men are going to the beach in the camera pijra. Two hours later, everyone came to the hotel but did not come.

Ahichuki who has been in the air for two weeks

20 -Two weeks after the disappearance of a college student, the police did not find any evidence. With the US FBI, the Domonican Republic has been finishing the country investigating teams for two weeks. A permanent resident in the US, Sudic Gat, is studying at the university.

After college holidays, Sudaksha went on leave at a resort to Pantna with five girlfriends. The Dominican Republic “La Altagasia Province” went to the resort in Punta Cana in the east. She then disappeared on the beach.

Dominican National Police is investigating the incident and has come in front of American investigative teams. Teams of US State Department, FBI, DEA, Homeland Security Investigation (HSI), as well as Pittsburgh University Police were also included in the air.

Ahichuki unable to detect two weeks curvedAhichuki unable to detect two weeks curved

Ahichuki unable to detect two weeks curved ,AP,

Go to the beach early in the morning …

According to Spanish media sources, Sudhikh was the last time on March 6 at 4:50 am on Riu Punt Kanyal Beach. At that time, two brown -brocade, big round earrings and both hands were wearing bands. Investigation teams interrogated Minnesota student Joshua Rib, who had seen Sudiqi last time, but did not have the result.

The police suspected that the Joshua was the last time with Sudiq in the rib dominican media articles. Spanish newspapers claimed that it was explained that he had joined the edge with Sudiq, dragging the wave in the ocean.

Rib explained to the police that when he reached the beach, he vomited and Sudiksha would bring his goods at that time. She told the police that she had disappeared and did not remember what happened later. Rib explained to the sticks that he was surprised to know that Sudiqi disappeared.

On the other hand, Rib’s parents alleged that Dominican officials had detained their son under illegal circumstances and kept the hotel with police surveillance for more than a week. A senior Joshua Rib of St. Cloud University repeatedly took the police station and said that he had fully cooperated with the police.

Parents worry about the disappearance of daughter

In an interview with the father of Sudik’s father Uppabaraudu Konanki WTOP-FM Radio Station, the authorities were asked to get out of the feeling that their daughter had drowned in the sea. He appealed to investigate agencies to investigate the perspective of kidnapping and kidnapping. FM Radio said that a complaint was made about the expansion of the investigation on Sunday as Dominican teams were expecting suddenly to stop the winds last Sunday.

Subbaraudu claimed that it was uncommon that he had abandoned all the objects, including a personal items such as Sudika phones and bags. There is a doubt about this incident that she will always call her. The Dominican Republic National Police on Tuesday decided to set up a “high -level commission” to oversee the inquiry in view of the complaint of the Sudhik father. The Republic of Domonican has announced that she will interrogate all of them when it disappears.

Republic of DomonicanRepublic of Domonican

Republic of Domonican ,Roots,

No doubt?

Investigators say the case was not suspicious in the disappearance of Sudihik as the case was not a criminal investigation. Investigators have explained to American media institutions that the incident has been raised as a person who has last seen him. In this case, the Joshua ribs are interested in all and now announced that it cannot come to any conclusion.

Joshua also clarified that he was an American citizen who was on leave at Punta Cana and was not part of the weak Sudik group.

Ribe of Rock Rapids, Iowa, has been a student at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota from 2023. The Sudhi family of Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh lives in the suburb of Washington DC in America. On the other hand, the Indian Consulate in the United States is also trying for the Sudihik.

Doubts have been raised for 12 days. Doubts have been raised for 12 days.

Doubts have been raised for 12 days. ,AP,

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