Aadhaar misuse: Is it doubt that your Aadhaar is being misused? Look at it ..!

Aadhaar misuse: Is it doubt that your Aadhaar is being misused? Look at it ..!

Aadhaar misuse: Aadhaar has been widely used for various services including banking, travel and government interests. To verify the identity, often requires a 12 -dyset base. It has become an important part of daily transactions. However, there are also concerns that fraudsters are misusing other basis for economic and illegal activities. History is close to using our base. where is?

In my base port ..

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has a specialty called “Authority History”. Here is history where and when to use your base. This allows online tool users to track base -related activities and identify any suspicious transactions.

How to see base certification history?

  1. Go to my Aadhaar portal: Official my base website Access to.
  2. Login with OTP: You have to enter the captcha code that appears on your Aadhaar number and screen. Click on ‘Login with OTP’ and enter a one -time password on your registered mobile number.
  3. Check aathenticization history: Select the option “Authority History”. Choose your base history from any date to any date.
  4. Review activities: Read your Aadhaar transaction carefully between those relevant dates. If any unknown or informal activities appear, take immediate action.

This informal activities should be reported

If unauthorized transactions are identified, users can report them in the following ways. they are

  • Call UIDAI toll free helpline 1947
  • Or send an email to help@uidai.gov.in problem details.

Lock the base biometrics in this way

UIDAI also provides an opportunity to close Aadhaar biometrics to avoid its base misuse. If you lock it, no one has your Aadhaar number .. They cannot use your biometric data without your permission.

Base biometrics locking

  1. Uidai website Navigate in the “Lock / Unlock Biometrics” section.
  2. You have to enter the details of your virtual ID, name, pin code, captcha code.
  3. Click “Send OTP” and enter OTP coming to the registered mobile number.
  4. Complete the process of locking biometric data.

It is appropriate to check the basis of regular base use history. In addition, it is safe to lock the biometric.

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