Alluri Sitama Raju District: Pet rude behavior towards students.

Alluri Sitama Raju District: Pet rude behavior towards students.

Zilla Parishad School Alluri is located in Golugonda division of Sitaramraju district. He behaves indecently towards domesticated students working here. According to the local people about this incident, the National Games were held in Tamil Nadu for the first time of this month. About 10 students of Jatpi High School went to competitions. He was taken by the pet’s pet Kunduri Nukraju.

On returning ..

When the students go, they should also send them Tamil teachers. But the principal did not send a Tamil teacher. This pet is similar to Nukaraju. He is a rude way for students. They do not understand who to tell. After returning home, he told the parents of the pets of pets. The parents went to school and stood near the pet and the principal.

Meo check.

The news of this has gone viral on social media. Mevo Satyanarayana visited the school on Friday. The students questioned what Aslam happened. School committee members and students of students have complained in writing about pet rude behavior. Meo was mourning it. Principal Srinivas, parents and students spoke and gave details for details.

Report to deevo.

Responding to the incident, Meo Satyanarayana said that the news was viral on social media and came to school and inquired about the details of parents, teachers and students. Pet Nukaraju has been derogatory and vulgar for students. The report will be submitted to the District Education Officer (Davo). He said that Tadapari’s action takes Davo.

Rape on a girl.

Police have registered a poxo case against a young man who raped the girl. The incident occurred at Kadapa District Products Third Police Station. According to the police, a young man named Nalbala Kuliyappa from Productur took the girl. Unknown for the girl, the girl’s parents went to Tritown police station and complained.

Poxo case registered ..

The police complained that their daughter was not seen .. The police filed a missing case. The girl was identified by the police on Thursday. The girl was told that she was raped and raped by blacksmiths. The girl’s parents lodged a complaint and registered a case of rape and poxo on Friday evening.

Remand to the accused ..

Kullappa was arrested and made before the court. Sent to the judge. Produttur Threetown CI Govinda Reddy replied that he had filed a complaint and raped. He said that the Poxo case was filed against the accused and sent.

(Reporting- Jagdiswara Rao Jarajapu, Hindustan Times Telugu)

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