American Citizenship Rules: Impact of Trump.. American Citizenship Rules are getting stricter.. Even if you are born in America, it will be difficult..

American Citizenship Rules: Impact of Trump.. American Citizenship Rules are getting stricter.. Even if you are born in America, it will be difficult..

US Citizenship Rules: Donald Trump, who took over as the President of the United States, has issued important orders regarding the citizenship of the country. Trump signed many important decisions as soon as he assumed office. Former President Joe Biden reversed the decisions. Trump’s decisions have imposed strict restrictions on American citizenship.

Trump has also signed executive orders changing the procedures for issuing US citizenship. The latest decision will make obtaining American citizenship even more complicated. It is going to be difficult to settle permanently in America. According to the latest decision, children born in America will not get citizenship if their parents do not have legal citizenship. Lakhs of NRIs will be affected by this decision.

It says that the amendment in the law made to give American citizenship to black citizens has been misinterpreted. The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that all people born in the United States are citizens of the United States. This amendment was made in the context of the decision given by the Supreme Court of America in 1857 in the matter of granting citizenship to people coming from African countries.

But the latest ruling said the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution was defined for people who settled in Africa and the amendment was not intended to apply to all people born in the US. This amendment states that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, shall be citizens of the United States, and of the States wherein they reside.”

The latest decision states that the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is not meant to confer citizenship at birth on every person born in the United States. The Fourteenth Amendment excludes persons born in the United States “without subjection to the United States” from U.S. citizenship at birth.

According to the decision, “Persons born in the United States acquire American citizenship only if they were born to persons subject to its jurisdiction.” The latest order states that the Fourteenth Amendment was wrongly invoked.

The offspring of US-born persons, classes, and nationalities are no longer subject to US jurisdiction and no longer automatically acquire citizenship. In the past, people born in the US were granted citizenship regardless of their parents. There are also cases of people who went to America just for citizenship and had children. Trump campaigned extensively in the election in the name of opportunities for American citizens. Accordingly a new decision was taken.

  • Children born in the US are not eligible for citizenship, regardless of whether their mother is a legal resident or nonpermanent resident.
  • If the mother of a child born in the United States is an illegal resident and the father is not a United States citizen, the child will not be eligible for citizenship.
  • Even if the child’s mother is a legal resident of the United States, a tourist, student, or has a work permit and is born to a father who is not a U.S. citizen, they do not acquire citizenship.
  • The order said that as per the latest decision, such persons should no longer be granted US citizenship certificates. The latest order states that citizenship certificates will no longer be issued in the United States.
  • It has been said that the concerned departments should inform the people about the latest orders within 30 days. The definition of parents has also been clarified in the order.
  • The order clarified that the latest decision does not affect the right of others, including children of lawful permanent residents, to obtain US citizenship documents.
  • The latest decision is likely to dash the hopes of those who want to settle in America. Every year millions of people go to America in search of jobs. Now it will be difficult for them to get permanent residence in America.
  • View the executive order issued by US President Trump through this linkā€¦,

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