Amravati Ora: Another update on Amravati Outer Ring Road .. 70 not .. 150 meters wide!
The Andhra Pradesh government has asked the Center to allow land acquisition of 150 meters so that the Amravati outer ring road can be constructed. The Union Transport and National Highways Ministry has allowed land acquisition with a width of 70 meters. But this is not enough for future needs. It is interesting to see what the Center will decide on this.
Mix all the costs.
Amarvati Ring Road .. Krishna, NTR, Eluru, Guntur and Palanadu districts will be 189.4 km. The Approval Committee announced initial approval for six -leale access control and alignment on 20 December. Mort has allowed land acquisition of 1,702 acres with a width of 70 meters. Construction, land acquisition and other permits cost Rs 16,000 to Rs.
File on government ..
However, the ORR Eligibility Approval Committee has suggested to make minor changes at five places. NHAI officials inspected the area. Vision changes have been made at five places. The file was sent to the state government. AP Sarkar, who examined the file .. recently expressed satisfaction.
150 meters wide ..
At the same time, Amravati Ring Road should be 150 meters wide .. Land acquisition to that extent .. The file was sent to the mortgage. The state government has asked the state government to collect land with a width of 150 meters while going to the Egent Approval Committee.
What are the reasons ..
The state government said in the proposal that land would be required to expand 6 -rau aur in future, to expand it to 8 rows, to run railway line and suburban trains with ORR. But the Murtha Recognition Approval Committee did not agree on it. NH Act -1956 has said that land acquired for National Highway Project …
If positive decisions are not made ..
If the idea of ​​construction of a railway line along the Amravati Ring Road, Mort has made it clear that the railway department should contact. However, in view of the appeal once again, the state government hopes that the Center will take a positive decision. If the decision has not been made in favor .. It seems that contacting the railway department is being considered.