Amravati Works: Break for Capital Amravati reconstruction .. Reason!
The MLC election code has become a barrier to the launch of capital Amravati reconstruction. CRDA and ADCL invited a large number of dialects for the World Bank and ADB loan work last month. Most of these have ended. Others have to be opened on the 7th. In the phase of opening the dialects, the Election Commission has announced the program for the MLC elections. This finalized the process of calling tenders and new people.
Government Scheme ..
The capital Amravati has various areas. The government has decided to do development work like roads, drinking water supply, drains and internet wires in these areas. In addition, residential buildings of MLA, MLC and All India Service Officers will be done by electricity, plumbing, security and firefighters.
Soon first installment loan ..
Regarding the remaining flood control functions, roads, bicycle tracks, walking paths and road lights. The tenders were called with 14,185 crores. Out of this, CRDAV is Rs 8,477.30 crore and ADCLV is Rs 6,397 crore. A special plan was designed to monitor the work. Officials say the first loan will be received from the World Bank and ADB soon.
To start work.
Against this background, contractors have been finalized in February. However, the MLC election code is now applicable until next month. CRDA officials have written to the Central Election Commission to see the process of tender in view of the priority of work. Since the election for graduates is only a matter of graduates .. appeals to rest.
If permission comes .. fast ..
Officials believe that the Central Election Commission can take a positive decision on its letter. Against this background, another 40,000 crore is being launched in a step -B -step. In this regard, tenders are also being rapidly arranged. This month, bids of AP assembly, secretariat and iconic towers will be opened. Officials say that if easy procedure is allowed, it is possible to take rapid action.