AP Budget 2025: Budget means lottery ..? Not a single plan in Super Six: Buggana
Former Finance Minister Buggana Rajendranath Reddy said that people believed in false promises of the coalition. He spoke on the budget for the financial year 2025-26. The government has been severely criticized. The coalition government has not ruled with promises. Edeva said that he had talked 35 times in the budget speech that the last government was the final government.
Surprisingly ..
‘Budget means lottery ..? The budget is very surprising. You are the only one on loan calculation. Cog Reta? Coalition leaders should say. It is surprising that coalition government circus on loan calculation. There was not a single plan in Super Six. Chandrababu Chanukudi. Chanukudi’s words are very different from coalition rule. Chandrababu will always have a revenue deficit. The government is also lying on loans. The loan we imposed were about 4 lakh crore rupees. This is why Sri Lanka and Cambodia have been falsely propagated.
Where is the super six.
Where is the super six in the budget? If there are 63 paragraphs in the lost budget .. then only two paragraphs were given to Super Six. The coalition government has lied for gross production. The alliance we have won by competing with the common man and the disabled? The eradication of poverty is the responsibility of the rulers but .. how much the poorest of the Puru. This is the YSR theory. There is tremendous opposition among people on alliance panels. People have given tremendous loans in believing the assurance of the coalition, “The former Finance Minister criticized.
Why praise ..
“CM and his son were praised by the previous government. It is surprising that the Alliance government is presenting the latest budget. He has a long experience as a member of the legislature. Never seen the budget with praise. Such a tradition is new. In the budget speech, Chandrababu and Lokesh did not understand why. The guarantee given before the elections is not being allocated anywhere. The government has cheated the people, “Botha Satyanarayana said.
Disappointed ..
“The state budget has disappointed people. People have cheated on Nitti. In the last budget, people were brutally cheated. People are expecting allotment for the implementation of Hamis in this budget. Farmers, women and unemployed have been cheated. This is an anti -spore budget. Women have been guaranteed to be a big hit in Super Six. But today there is no allocation in the budget. There is no situation to implement any aspect of the manifesto, ”MLC Varu Kalyani criticized.