AP Government Schools: Improvement in school education…! Repeal of Jivo 117, new orders with amendments
The current coalition government has canceled Jivo No. 117 which was brought by the previous YCP government while implementing school education reforms. However, despite the cancellation of Jivo 117, it issued orders again with almost identical procedures. In this regard, State School Education Department Director Vijaya Ram Raju has issued an order. Some changes have been made compared to the previous Jio number 117.
Not six but five types of viewpoints…
The coalition government brought forward a policy of five types of schools instead of the previous six types of schools. The management of the satellite foundational schools started recently has been handed over to the State Women and Child Welfare Department. The foundational schools continued to function as they did. But Foundational School Plus changed its name to Basic Primary School.
The pre-high school system was abolished and it was brought forward as a model primary school. In this, it has been decided to cancel the merger of classes 3rd, 4th and 5th. However, it is unclear what will be done with the High School Plus system. The demand of educationists to allot teachers in basic and basic primary schools as per the ratio of 1:20 was not heeded. Like the previous government, the student-teacher ratio has also been fixed.
Single curriculum schools in Peraga…
In Foundation School, teachers are allocated in the ratio of 1:30. It added that if the number of students exceeds 30, another SGT will be allotted. It was said that in Basic Primary School it will be implemented in the ratio of 1:20 and the second post will be given only after passing 60. Teachers unions are expressing concern that this is likely to increase the number of single curriculum schools. In a model primary school where the number of students is less than 60, five classes are allotted to one teacher.
If enrollment is more than 120 then there will be a post of Principal. There will be one SGT for every 30 students above 150. In some areas the number of students ranges between 45-60 but the model is primary school. However, depending on the social conditions and available infrastructure, the School Ownership Committee may propose the establishment of a model primary school. But this will bring back old school education. Along with increasing enrollment in private schools… opinions are being expressed that the dropout rate in government schools is increasing.
If more than 60 then high school…
Primary schools with student strength less than 30 will be converted into model and basic primary. Students of class 6th, 7th and 8th will be shifted to schools located in Dargara. If the number of students exceeds 60, primary schools with classes 6th, 7th and 8th are converted into high schools.
The posts of Principal and PET are available only when the number of students in the high school is more than 76. If the number of students is more than 400, the second PET will be allotted to the respective schools. If the number of students is 751 then there will be 3rd PET post. There are posts for Music, Art, Drawing and Craft depending on the number of posts and students.
Committees have been formed to identify model primary schools in gram panchayat and municipal wards. The Divisional Level Committee consists of MEO-1 as Convenor and MEO-2 as Co-Convenor. ICDS CDPO, MRO including MPDO and Municipal Commissioner will be the members. Cluster level committees consist of Cluster Principal Convenor and MEO 1, 2 and ICDS Superintendent as members. Both these committees hold meetings with school principals, parents and school owners and discuss about the establishment of schools.
According to the old system…
1. Satellite Foundation School (PP 1, PP 2)
2. Foundation School (PP 1, PP 2, 1, 2 classes)
3. Foundation Plus School (PP 1, PP 2, Class 1 to 5)
4. Pre-High School (Class 3 to 8)
5. High School (Class 3 to 12)
According to the new policy…
1. Satellite Foundation School (PP 1, PP 2)
2. Foundation School (PP 1, PP 2, 1, 2 classes)
3. Basic Primary School (PP 1, PP 2, Class 1 to 5)
4. Model Primary School (PP 1, PP 2, Class 1 to 5)
5. High School (Class 6 to 10)
Model Primary School Rules:
1. Arrangements were made where there are 60+ students.
2. There is one teacher in every class.
3. Principal for 120+ students
4. Additional SGT for 150+ students
Changes in upper primary schools:
1. <30 students – transition to primary school
2. 60+ Students – Upgrade to High School.
3. 31-59 Students – Case by Case Consideration
High School Rules:
1. HM & PET posts for 75+ students
2. Second section for 54+ students
3. There is a new section for every 40 people.
Implementation Process:
1. Formation of divisional and cluster committees
2. SMC Consultancy
3. Parental consent
Special conditions:
1. Basic schools will be established in areas with barriers.
2. Special arrangements where there is no high school within 3 kilometers
3. Transport allowance will be provided where necessary.
Reorganization of teachers:
1. Allocation of posts will be as per UDISE data.
2. Adjustment between all types of schools.
Report: Jagadishwar Rao Jarajapu, Hindustan Times Telugu.