AP Group 2 Mains Exam: Group 2 Mains Testing – Section 144 at Centers

AP Group 2 Mains Exam: Group 2 Mains Testing – Section 144 at Centers

The AppSC Group 2 Mains exam will be held on 23 February. For this purpose, test centers have been set up in 13 districts across the state. However, the General Secretary of the government made a review with the collectors of all the districts on the management of the examination.

Group -2 Mains Test has been arranged on 23rd of this month. The test will be attended by 92,250 candidates.

The main test is conducted in two sessions. The first session will be from 10 am to 12.30 pm and the paper -2 exam will be from 3 pm to 5.30 pm. CS said that Section 144 would be implemented within 100 meters of test centers. Rumors have been warned on social media that strict action should be taken.

Like the test process:

  • Group 2 Mains consists of two papers. Tests are done for a total of 300 marks.
  • 150 marks were allotted for each question.
  • In Paper -1, AP is social and cultural history and constitution of India.
  • In Paper -2, there are questions from India, AP economy, science and technology. Each section is assigned 75 marks.
  • AP Group 2 candidates In AppSc website You can go and download hall tickets.

Main test:

Many candidates have filed a petition in the AP High Court, which challenges the issue of special reservation points in Group -2 notification. Hearing this, the High Court killed the petitions. The Supreme Court has made it clear that Group -2 results are subject to the final decision given by the court. The line has been approved for the Group 2 Mains Examination. As a result, tests will be conducted.

The MAINS exam is scheduled for 5 January last month, which is according to the pre -determined schedule of APPSC. But it was postponed on 23 February. As part of this notification .. a total of 899 posts will be changed. The announcement of this notification was released in December 2023.

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