AP New Motor Vehicles Act: New Act of Motor Vehicles in Image.

AP New Motor Vehicles Act: New Act of Motor Vehicles in Image.

The Andhra Pradesh government has recently changed the Motor Vehicles Act. New rules have come into force from 1 March. In particular, there are heavy punishment in violation of traffic rules. Police is focusing on minor driving, racing and registration. Now let’s learn about the 10 most important issues related to this new law.

10 important aspects ..

1. Helmet is mandatory when driving a dquorial vehicle. If you get caught without a helmet, Rs. A fine of 1,000 has been imposed. In the past, only Rs.

2 while traveling in the car. The seat belt is mandatory. If the seat is not worth the belt. A fine of 1,000 has been imposed.

3. If drunk driving is a fine of Rs 10,000. Sometimes the license is canceled.

4. If the vehicle is operated without license, Rs. A fine of 5,000 has been imposed. The vehicle can also be sealed. First Rs.

5.wower speed, signal jump, wrong passage .. 1,000 has been fined.

6. If the vehicle is operated without insurance, it will be fined Rs. There were one thousand rupees in the past.

7. For the first time, one fine is 2 to 4 thousand and second time for the first time, without registration, without any fit -energy certificate, without registration renewal. First Rs. There was one thousand fine.

8. Police have been campaigning extensively on the new Motor Vehicles Act for months. Flexis and banners were tied. It is clear that everyone should follow the rules and cases will be registered under the new law.

9. It is suggested that owners should take steps to ensure that the bikes of students without helmets in college are not allowed.

10. The police makes it clear that if they drive a bike and car, the parents should be held responsible for the school students. Parents are advised to take care.

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