AP Sports Politics: Politics of AP that has become a curse for the players.

AP Sports Politics: Politics of AP that has become a curse for the players.

AP Sports Politics: State government’s neglect towards sports in AP is destroying the interest of players. On one hand, it is being announced that crores of rupees and government jobs will be given to the players who win medals, while on the other hand, when it comes to sports, they are behaving as if they do not care. All parties prefer to take political gains through sports associations rather than promoting sports.

All parties have a stake in weakening sports associations and turning them into purely political associations. Apart from the income that sports federations earn from recognition and management of events, governments have been indifferent to the promotion of sports and have made them a hotbed of irregularities. In this entire matter, it is the mistake of most governments to keep sports separate from politics.

Politics is more important than competition.

Since the 38th National Games will begin in Uttarakhand in a few days, there will be uncertainty over the participation of AP athletes in them. Andhra Pradesh has a sports authority, a special minister for sports, but there is no laxity when it comes to participating in national games. The ruling party leaders are preferring to give priority to AP Olympic Association rather than representing Andhra Pradesh in the national games.

While 250 players, coaches and representatives of AYA associations from Andhra Pradesh are to participate in the programs organized at various places in Uttarakhand, the lack of any response from the government till now is creating concern among the players. The AP Olympic Association has not received any assurance from the state government, while participating in the National Games will cost around Rs 33 lakh.

Appreciation and awards for winning medals.

If you win medal in sports in AP, you get daily prizes, awards, big prizes and government jobs. In this sequence, the sports associations which do not have the name of the village are committing huge fraud in the name of state and national level events. In the last few years, a large number of government jobs have been obtained through fake certificates issued by some fake organizations in government notifications. The investigation into the scam worth crores of rupees in collaboration with SAP has been going on for years. It is alleged that some people are preventing AP teams from participating in national games with the intention of exposing irregularities.

An app that does nothing except advertising.

There has been a lot of criticism on the performance of SAP even before the re-division of Andhra Pradesh. The Olympic community has been deeply involved in politics since the state’s separation. The parties in power have turned sports and sports associations into their pocket institutions. Some sports associations have been infiltrated by criminals, allegations of serious corruption, white collar crimes. Leaders of some associations are also accused of taking help from political leaders to get out of the cases and putting the lives of players in danger. The SAP which was supposed to stop all this has also fallen into their hands.

After the separation of the state, none of those who took charge of SAP could work to promote sports. These leaders are limited to chanting the praises of the political party that has given them office. At present, allegations are being made that they are calculating the benefits given to the players participating in the national games. Since Ramaprasad Reddy, who is the Sports Minister, is busy with his own affairs, the representation of the AP team in the National Games is in doubt.

(What are the reasons for the government’s indifference on the irregularities in sports quota jobs, in another article)

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