Bhadraradri Talamabralu: Bhadraradri Ramulori Kalyan Talams Hondelview, TGSRTC System-Registrar

Bhadraradri Talamabralu: Bhadraradri Ramulori Kalyan Talams Hondelview, TGSRTC System-Registrar

Bhadraradri Lord Ram Talamabralu: TGSRTC’s ownership has decided to include the talisman of Bhadrachalm Sitaramchandra’s wedding directly in the homes of devotees during Sri Ramanwamy. As usual, this year, RTC has started the sacred work of Hondelvar, Bhadradri Ramulori Kalyan Talambras in collaboration with the Telangana Department.

If you pay Rs 151

RTC MD Sajjanar said that devotees who need Ramulori Talambra should give details of TGSRTC Logistics Center and website Rs 151. After Sitaramchandra’s marriage, these tallambras are performed by RTC for devotees.

Every year on Sri Ramanwamy …. Bhadrachalam Sithramulu is celebrated as an eye festival. Thousands of devotees from two Telugu states go to Bhadradari to see the eyes of Ramulori Kalyanam. After seeing Sitaramulu’s welfare, it is a matter of happiness to bring Talambra home. However, even though Bhadradari did not go, TGSRTC had arranged for Ramulori Kalyan Talambras. TGSRTC Logistics Ramulori Kalyan Talambras Hondelivery.

TGSRTC MD Visi Sajjanar unveiled the booking poster of Bhadradi Sitaramulu Kalyan Talambra at the bus building in Hyderabad on Monday.

Sri Ramanwamy on 6 April

TGSRTC wants to use these services, the company’s MD Visi Sajjanar said that devotees who cannot visit the Srimanwami celebrations on 6 April on 6 April on 6 April. All logistics counters in the state can also be booked online and online. The company’s marketing officers will also get orders directly among the devotees. Devotees who want to get the service of Talmbra are advised to contact TGSRTC call center phone number 040-69440069, 040-69440000.

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