Brahmudi episode of February 1: Music director who writes Kalyan song

Brahmudi episode of February 1: Music director who writes Kalyan song

Brahma Mudi Serial Today Episode: Brahmudi Serial Today I want a visa at home, my wife needs passport and visa, and a previous port size photo. They are listening to the words Rudrani. It is a passport, a visa. What is for something? Going to honeymoon. No, do not go to the house. Rudrani takes some more doubt.

English in 31 days

Outlandi .. Must go to America. there is no time. Raj says that the process should be done in a month. This is a plan to drown them all at home. There is no doubt. Rudrani suspects that both companions are robbing and settling abroad. There, Kavya practices English about learning English within 31 days. Rudrani has seen it and talks.

Kavya speaks in English. Rudrani asks why. Kavya says that the meeting should be practiced in English. Rudrani says that English will run away from your English. I have a lot to learn. Do not trouble. Kavya says. Hey .. This is your excuse .. Kissing your kiss Rudrani. Chee .. Chee .. Kiss with you. To make mistake. Kavya says go.

Confirm .. Two assets are turning into full dollars and sketching America to escape. Their plan is known about me. Rudrani feels that he will be tied to English. If you go and tell Rudrani, the grain bears Lakshmi punches. Rudrani says that if you put it in the house. Do not speak like innocent. I know you better about yourself. Why play in front of me?


I came to confirm the news that I was surprised. Raj and Kavya said that US dollars are getting dollars. What do they talk about .. but you want. If it tells that I will come in front of everyone. Grain Lakshmi suspects that I will go mad in front of everyone. Rudrani says that if I do not believe my words, they will exit America.

I do not want to get out of selfishness. He sought time for 3 months. So let’s look at the facts. If you believe in you, justice will be done. So for 3 months to stay. Grain Lakshmi goes to try not to incite me. Every time I want to use it as Astron, I get hurt. There is no benefit of relying on it. Rudrani feels that I have to do something.

On the other hand, a person named Satish makes a call to collect documents for the passport for Raj. So Raj is going out and gives the house address and asks him to collect. Kavya means that it is not to be collected in the office .. The customer is coming to transfer money to the song tomorrow. Raj says that when he does money, he should go to the bank. If Kavya asks him if the passport gets a flour .. then Raj says that Sapna will say.

Life will increase

Raj gives a file that gives to your sister. Kavya says that the dreamer is given a file and gives it a document. If you ask for something for something .. Kavya says that the documents put it on. Meanwhile, Rudrani comes and closes. Rudrani means I will see .. I will not give you a dream lock. When you find a small thing, you are the type of life of life. The dream moves forward to give you.

That broker comes to Kaspat. Rudrani thinks that I will reveal everything with him. On the other hand, Kalyan meets writer Laxmikant. He writes the song that he says. Laxmikant says that he will remember all the moments spent in dreams and love of girlfriend. He reads it and praises that it is a miracle. He wants to become a great writer. Meanwhile, the music director comes from the car.

The author tells him that he has written a hot song for you. Music director admits that you are writing fast. Then you see the song and it is all written. Your style has changed in this song. It feels trendy young. The music director says that every word is very fresh. Laxmikant covers with good dialogues. Nako asks for doubt in these lines.

A separate word can be used

Some people can take wrong while listening to the song. He says that a separate word can be used for the word in depth. If the writer is trying to cover how to change, then love is about love .. But it is not related to the body, they say. The writer who has been tied is the same. The music director goes out which is fine. The author goes home to tell Laxmikant Kalyan that he is going to go.

Then you go to the music director near the car and say that you say. Kalyan says that it is good to write in the heart of the heart instead of people. This word is very good. There is a lot of thing in you. I know you have written this song. Seeing Aian for ten years. I don’t know how he writes. Your writing style is very good. Let’s work together soon. Be a great writer. Music gives director Kalyan a shake hand.

Kalyan is very excited. On the other hand, Raj Kavya goes into the car. Kavya practices English. Then I would say a saying in English. Raj says that you are telling you in Telugu. Raj is the secret to hear the saying of Kavya. Meanwhile essie call. He was shot and told that if he was verified by bike, he would have been a fake. Check and hold it near the traffic signal. However, it takes a lot of time.

Rudrani guest etiquette

They have to catch them anyway. Raj says that our problem is being caught. Because stress falls. Kavya says that he will definitely find it. On the other hand, home passport broker Satish arrives and says that documents are collected. Rudrani means that if they are tired then more things will be revealed. Rudrani wants guests etiquette.

If Rudrani asks for documents .. Passport to go to America, visa. He says that Raj is Kavya. Everything will be shocked. Satish is going to be clear. Rudrani provokes grains. Rudrani says that Raj Kavya wants to go to America and settled by borrowing property. Subhash becomes a fire.

Rudrani says that you, your sons and codes settled. Aparna says that you want to spread 24 hours a day. When I tell you when injustice is done, you feel wrong. Today’s Brahma serial episode ends.

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