Brahmudi Today episode: Rudrani, Rahul – Sitaramayya Twist – Kavya!
The bank officials will seize the property as Raj and Kavya have not been paid in hundred crores of loans. Rudrani and Grain Lakshmi will be with Raj and Kavia before the bank officials to seize the property of our shares in the property.
Sitaramayya …
This is when Sitaramaiya is discharged from the hospital. Family members are hurt in terms of property. Rudrani is a fire fighter on Rudrani and grain Lakshmi said that my dignity is being taken for your selfishness. When you are not my mats, how do you earn me that property? When you do not have my dignity, you will not be for me.
Property …
Bank tells Raj … I have nothing to do with anyone who sells property … Grain Lakshmi says that whatever your heirs are. When your father -in -LAW is not there, you will be descendants of grains, Inderadevi. Nobody has the right to face Sitaramaiya’s word.
Payment collapsed …
Rudrani and Rahul do not swallow their plans for property. Rahul Grain is saddened by Sitimaya’s entire plan at the time of removing the mind of Lakshmi’s aunt’s brain. Rudrani has changed the story like the last minute. Rudrani strangles her hand. This is what you have left for Chivara.
If the family wants to do pieces …
This beautiful family wanted to laminate. It is said that it is with conspiracies you have done to keep innocents in the House. Rudrani is angry that karma does not do us.
On the way …
The entire property is that both of you are on the road, and that the road will not be able to affect the road. It is said that the views are great to imagine. Rudrani and Rahul imagine that Rudrani is really stopping. Rahul imagines the stomach of coconut pan.
Time to shut mouth …
They are confused with those dreams. Rudrani sets him on fire because it is a life of life. Cool aunt … Rudrani will give Rudrani a tail tail if you talk too much. Rahul tells him to listen to his mother, hears him with him.
Subhash class …
Inderadevi and Subhash give the orbit to the changed opportunity that has changed. Subhash says that we have never seen the opportunity we have never seen. Have you seen property in family? Did you hear my father’s promise? Subhash asked. The Sitaramaiah family should have ten people, but the mind is in the headlines.
For the future of Kalyan …
Kalyan says that he thinks about the future and the grain is considered Lakshmi. Inideradevi says that thinking about father and father is the father’s father. Subhash says that you have taught that there is a passion for you.
Rudrani …
With your words, Sitaramayya Manasu is broken with your words and tears that they have been in trouble for years, and they have not been able to see those who are not able to do. It is said that Rudrani Valle Grain Lakshmi is known for her entire homes. It is said that there is no grain and anger. Talking about aunt, he leaves. Indira Devi says that she does not believe that she will change and they should see anyone.
Grandpa -Dadi …
Raj is going to give property documents to the bank. Kavya says that it is not known how to get out of this peak. Raj is hoping to revive the summit before coming from the hospital, but is unable to do anything.
Kavya says that Rudrani and Grain Lakshmi have heard the words of Rudrani and Grain Lakshmi. The king cannot be happy …
Sitaramayya tears …
Sitaramaiya and Indira Devi shed tears because they have to leave the house where they were in a hurry. Sitaramay shed tears that these houses are good and for affiliation, but children are in tears and children are in a state of teaching.
Kalyan takes a car for a loan and comes to the police station. Husband asks husband what you are bringing for lunch for me. Kalyan answers what not to bring. Today’s Brahmin’s serial episode ended.